I (25F) deep throated an unattractive guy's cock (30M) at a Labor Day party because his girlfriend insulted my potato salad [MF]
So I went with some friends to a big Labor Day cookout. There were a bunch of people I knew there, and bunch I didn't. It was warm outside, and there was a pool, so I wore a bikini top and a pair of short jean shorts. They're not full-on daisy dukes, but still VERY short and show some cheek. Also super comfy. I brought a dish of my famous potato salad to share.
I was there for about an hour, just drinking and catching up with people, when I heard this girl nearby who I didn't know say (not to me) "ew, did you try that potato salad? So gross." She didn't know it was mine, but still, it took all of my strength not to turn around like, "excuse me, bitch?" (My potato salad is amazing.) I didn't say anything, but kept my eye on her.
She was this uptight looking redhead with RBF. A minute later, she looked over at me, and I swear to god, she gave me a quick up-and-down glance and THAT LOOK that said "wow what a slut."
Too bad I'd noticed her boyfriend checking me out earlier. Because that's when I decided I was going to go suck his cock.
Her boyfriend was not a particularly attractive guy. He was basically okay, but kinda loud, a little overweight (he had a beer gut), lots of hair. Not my type. I think he was 30-something.
I waited until he went into the pool house to get a drink and followed him in. We were the only ones there when I found him in the kitchen, and I asked if he could help me find something. "I lose everything, hahaha!" I love playing dumb sometimes. 😂 I led him into the storage room off the garage.
Then, I "found" the other bikini top in my bag there and asked if he'd be a sweetie and help me tie it.
"You sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind?" I winked at him.
I made him turn around while I pretended to mess around with the other top, and then told him to turn back. I was holding the top over my boobs.
"You wanna peek? I don't mind. I saw you looking earlier. I won't tell.""Uh...." he was totally nervous. "Yeah."
So I dropped the top and let him stare at my tits for a second. Then I took one of his hands and let him feel.