I fucked the wrong girl. Sort of. [MF]
This happened a few weeks ago.
I have taken two creative liberties, here. The first, as always, is to change names for anonymity. The second, is that there was a piece of information that I didn't have when all this was happening; the story is a bit hotter *with* that information, so I'm revealing it right at the start of the action (which is at the xxxxxx line) rather than surprising you with it at the end. Hope that's the best way to tell the story.
Introductions, first:
I'm Dan - since I became single, I've been doing a load of exercise, so along with my broad shoulders (which are my favourite feature), I've also managed to give myself a six-pack... as long as I'm standing in a particular light, at a particular angle. My cock is average length, but a bit girthier and cut.
Emily is a girl I used to have a crush on, but I grew out of it. She looks like a pre-transition Elliot Page; watching Inception was disconcerting, they're so similar. About 5'2", long black/dark brown hair, slender build (maybe toned?), pale skin but rosy cheeks and lips. I would guess C-cups; she is very much an English Rose in appearance. She's in her mid-forties, to my mid thirties. On this occasion she was wearing a tight red jumper and skinny jeans, which showed off her body nicely.
Cassie is her friend, whom I hadn't met before this; she's about the same height 5'2", and I reckon the same age as her, but she looks very different. She's a bit "chunkier"; a little overweight, very curly, short, dirty blonde hair. She has glasses, and although she's got a nice smile, she has - by her own admission - a bad case of "resting bitch face". She was wearing a dark grey skirt and a pink fluffy jumper which covered a lot, but I could see that she has breasts that look smaller than Emily's, relatively speaking, but are probably the same size in reality. Her frame is a bit bigger and the fluffy jumper didn't do them any favours. She's a bit frumpy, is what I'm saying, and I haven't seen anyone famous that looks like her - I'd point Sara Jay or Julia Garner for a hairstyle reference, but I don't have anything for the rest of her!
The background's a bit long, I'm afraid, I've tried to be as brief as I can. Action starts at the xxxxxx line.
I had a crush on Emily, a long time ago; she wasn't interested, which is fine, and as time went on, I lost interest too. Looking back, particularly at the point when I was interested and she was not, she had a tendency to get closer and closer to me, until I asked her out, at which point she would back *waaay* off... then return to things like cooking meals for me, which I found odd. I've always suspected that she liked me, but wasn't attracted to me, so wanted me around as an "emergency backup" guy. Never mind, as time went on, things settled down, and we drifted apart a bit. I met Cathy, and dated her for years before splitting up a few months ago, and Emily met someone, had a kid, and also split up a month or so back. We still stay in touch on FB, from time to time.
I was visiting family down south; I took the chance on the train down to keep in touch with a few people who I'd not spoken to a while, one of whom was Emily. We mentioned what we were up to, and it turns out she was also on holiday, visiting her family, in a city - or, rather, a resort near a city - that my train would be passing through on the way back up. She suggested I stop off on the way home, she had a friend who could look after her kid, and we could have a proper catch-up.
I gave it some thought - I wasn't sure if it was a sex thing, so there was the possibility of scratching an itch, here - but it was going to be pricy (hotel cost and changing the train ticket), especially given that we could just see each other in our home city. On the other hand, it's more likely to be a one-night stand, rather than a friendly catch-up, if we're in a hotel away from home.
I decided to go for it. It's worth a try, and in truth, even if we're just catching up as friends, it would still be nice.
Holiday finished, I got to the city, then got to the resort, and I messaged Emily and had a shower. I went down to the bar, and actually met Emily along with her friend Cassie, who I didn't expect to be there. Emily mentioned that her mum was looking after her kid so she could stay out a bit later.
The night progressed a bit, I felt a little cock-blocked by Cassie being there, but it was a perfectly nice evening... for the first two drinks. When Emily went to get a third round in, she took ages, and we realised that she was flirting with the barman (the bar wasn't busy, but it was a weird shape, so we didn't realise that's where she was to begin with). Cassie picked up the drinks from the bar instead, and told me that Emily was fine.
Cassie and I got two more rounds, each time checking that Emily still looked happy (which she did). We made small talk but when things drifted to politics or current events or anything, it became clear that we were very different, and if anything, we became a little less fond of each other. Midway through that second round Emily joined us again, and said "He was lovely!" of the barman. We got towards the end of the round and Emily said "I'm going to have to call it a night. I'm sorry! I don't feel like we've talked at all!" and gave Cassie and I each a hug. We said our goodbyes, and as she left, Cassie and I looked at each other and laughed. I shook my head.
There was a bit of a silence, and Cassie said "I'm sorry things turned out that way." "How so?" I asked. "I'm going to guess that you're one of the guys that's interested in Emily, you've come out thinking it's a date, and she's actually spent the night talking to someone else?" I laughed, and said "Kind of. I wasn't sure that I wanted it to be a date, and I really was okay with us just catching up as friends... but, we didn't even do that. Like, I've really enjoyed your company!" I added - not entirely true, but I didn't want to be a dick - "It's just kind of the principle, she invited me out then disappeared. And it was a bit expensive to change my plans, you know?"
"Yeah, I'm kind of the same, I'm up for the weekend to see her. At least I'll see her tomorrow night, too." "Hang on," I said. "Em said that one of her friends was going to babysit while she came out to see me. Was that you? Even though you're only up for the weekend?" Cassie looked at me. "Unbelievable." "Cheeky bitch," I said, shaking my head, laughing slightly.
We sat in silence, both peeved at the way we'd been treated here. Cassie looked especially pissed off, but it was hard to read, as her face naturally dropped to a grimace if she wasn't talking or laughing.
I looked at my pint, nearly empty, and said "Fuck it. Do you want a shot of something?" She sighed, irritably, and said "Oh, why not?"
I got us a couple of shots, and another round (interestingly, it was the same barman - I'd kind of wondered if Emily and he had left together, but apparently not. She'd just drunk too much while she was flirting, I think), and we bitched about Emily a bit, then Cass got up and got another couple of shots for us, but no round.
She put mine in front of me, but instead of sitting down, she downed hers, and looked at me without saying anything. I don't think she was too shy, I think she knew that she didn't need to say anything. I nodded, pounded my drink, and stood up while she picked up her coat and handbag, still the well-organised librarian she had looked like all night.
We walked through the hotel corridors, Cassie taking my hand, me getting harder in my jeans with every step. I think Cassie felt the same way as I did - Emily had kind of tried to take advantage of both of us, in different ways, and fucking each others' brains out was going to be like an act of defiance. I'm usually a "start slow, and play" guy, but I wanted inside of her as soon as possible.
"Here", she whispered, and unlocked the door. She walked inside and lifted her arms up; I took the chance to wrap my arms around her from behind, crossing them in front of her and grabbing both of her breasts, while the door shut behind us. I tried to move us towards the bed, but Cassie grabbed the dresser and angled us towards that instead. I awkwardly walked us forward, and Cass bundled her skirt up and started pulling her panties down while I opened my belt and pushed my trousers and boxers down my thighs. She pulled her skirt up properly, and I could see her pussy, ready and waiting. I spat into my hand, loud and aggressive as I could sound, gripped my cock, and took her from behind.
What I didn't know was this: Cassie and Emily had booked together, and had adjoining rooms, which meant that - if Emily was awake, and not unconscious with drink - she would hear every bit of us fucking.
...and I really do mean fucking - I absolutely railed this girl. I think our slight dislike of each other was playing into this, too - it helped objectify each other and we really went for it. Every thrust I made came with a grunt or a growl from me, and sometimes caused the dresser to bump against the wall, and Cassie responded to every one with a gasp, a cry, or an "oh fuck", pushing back into me.
The aggression from both of us was hot, and I hadn't fucked like this before. I wasn't sure if the noise was for my benefit, or if her being loud turned herself on... and with hindsight it might have been to piss off Emily... but it was certainly turning me on, it made me imagine my cock reaching places that other cocks couldn't. She sounded like a porn star, and she damn well made me feel like one. I let go of her shoulder and took a hold of her curly hair, she arched her back and her cries and gasps became one solid moan, punctuated with a change in pitch every time I slammed into her. Her position meant that I could feel some of the weight of her large thighs on mine as we fucked, and after a while, my legs were aching, so I slowed down and pulled out so I could change position.
Cassie turned round, gasping, and said "What do you want to do to me?" I smiled at her and said "I want you to suck my dick." Not very inventive but it would let my leg muscles have a break.
She looked straight at me, and smiled - "Make me." she said.
Her skirt had fallen back down again, so she had gone from starting the night looking like a frumpy librarian, to looking like a frumpy librarian hungry for my cock. I took a towards her, cupped her chin in my hand, squeezing her lips just slightly, and kissed her; immediately, we pushed into each other, tongues exploring. I grasped her hair in my hand and closed my fist; I broke off the kiss and started to gently pull her down by the hair, but as soon as she felt the first tug she dropped to her knees, I think forgetting that she'd just told me to be in charge. She took a hold of my balls in her hand and took my whole dick in her mouth.
She started bobbing her head and sucking on my cock, all the while massaging my balls. I let out a loud groan - there wasn't any word in there, I was far beyond that - then I pulled myself back to the present, unbuttoning my shirt and throwing it off to one side. Cassie ran her fingers across my stomach, gently pushing her palms and fingers into it, without looking at me, head still bobbing up and down, the slobbery blowjob feeling great, and Cassie moaning loudly. I deliberately let my bitterness fuel me, my thoughts switching from my satisfaction at getting a blowjob, despite Emily keeping me "in reserve" in case things didn't work out, to schaudenfraude, as Emily was missing out on this dick when she could have had it if she'd wanted it, to pure, unthinking pleasure as Cassie sucked my cock like it would quench her thirst.
I looked down at her, and decided that she was still wearing far too many clothes; I bent over her, reaching past her frizzy hair and down to her waistband, and pulled her top up. She stopped sucking my cock to get it over her head, but her glasses got caught in the jumper; I could feel the slobber still coating my dick while she got her top off and retrieved her glasses. She adjusted them and looked at me; I said "I think it's time we got into bed."
We moved towards the bed, both of us stumbling slightly with various bits of clothing round our legs. I pulled my trousers and boxers off, and watched her undress matter-of-factly; under the jumper had been a t-shirt, then a bra - a surprisingly sexy one, but it was off in seconds, tits flopping out. Her skirt was next, and she finally pulled her pants completely off, the whole thing taking less than a minute.We climbed onto the bed, and she said "lie down". I tried to kiss her first, but she pushed me down, and didn't bother being gentle about it. She clambered on top of me and guided my cock inside her. She grunted, then started riding me, saying my name over and over, really using her weight to grind into me.