I Hooked Up With My Mentor From College - Part I [FM] – Adorime
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I Hooked Up With My Mentor From College - Part I [FM]

Jan 15, 2025

cheng cuiping

I had a few minutes to kill before I was to meet a friend after work, so I went into a bookstore across the street from the bar.

As I was in the back of the store perusing the cookbooks that I would buy and not use, my phone buzzed and my friend had to back out at the last minute.  I would later find out that her then-boyfriend made some shit up because he was friends with my ex.

It was Thursday night and I didn't really care.  It was going to be the same old thing about me needing to find a new man or hook up with someone to get Max out of my system, all while listening to her complain about her man.

Max wasn't "in my system".  We had over two years of what many would call "maintenance sex" which was devoid of passion and lacked any exploration.

Maybe I did need to have a random hook-up or a few.  It had been a few weeks since our break-up and even longer since I had sex.

I ran my finger over the spines of a few more cookbooks and was about to pull one out that was on quick meals when the bell jingled at the front door of the store and in walked Eric, my former mentor from college.

I stopped and watched as he approached the desk and spoke to the woman behind the counter.  She then went into the back room and he stood there and turned, we made eye contact, and I gave him a slight wave and smiled.

I felt obliged to walk over and say "hi".

He seemed genuine and happy to see me and gave me a hug that was not like the one I received from him months earlier after I graduated from college.  We immediately made small talk and it continued through him paying and outside on the sidewalk. 

Since he helped me get my first job, I asked if he wanted to meet for coffee or a drink sometime.  The coffee or drink thing was his schtick when he worked with his mentors about networking.

He said that he'd love to get a drink seeing that I was no longer a student.

He then upped it to a bite to eat that evening, since I had told him minutes earlier that my friend bailed.

I gave the briefest of hesitation, then agreed. I had nothing else to do on a Thursday night and he is a handsome older man that many of my classmates dreamed of him more than mentoring them.

He wanted to drop his books off and I wanted to drop my work bag off, so we agreed to meet in an hour at a Sushi restaurant down the street.

I walked double time to my place and began to sweat.  I showered and picked out a nice strappy sundress and then made my way to the restaurant.

As I approached the restaurant, I saw him waiting outside.  He told me that there was about a 45-minute wait, so he'd take me up on the drink, next door while we waited.

First, we bonded over of love for gin as we drank Gin and Tonics.  Then I went on to explain that I didn't care for my first job and started looking for a new job only three months in.  He was happy that I realized it early and moved on to bigger and better things.

I then listened to him explain how his marriage blew up, the nasty divorce, and what he was up to.  His wife cheated on him with her old boss and moved out of state.  He was still part of the mentor program, but it had become clear that this would be his last year because there were new people in charge (friends of his ex-wife), and wanted to make changes to the program, to which he was fine.

His phone buzzed and our table was ready.  I paid the tab and we moved next door to a cozy table and our conversation veered into our relationships over glasses of red wine and sushi.

After having our fill of sushi and wine we made our way out to the sidewalk.  I was having fun and he seemed to be as well, and he asked if I wanted to get a drink somewhere and I agreed.

We went off of the main street and passed a few bars, most of which I knew that I'd probably run into someone I knew, which I didn't want to deal with that evening.

We finally settled on a basement bar with live jazz.  I know it would be an older crowd and we found a corner table in the back and continued our conversation over more glasses of wine.

I was having a good time and the conversation never wavered.  I found myself actually enjoying his company and conversation. It was his wit, charm, and the wine.

I don't know how it happened, but he made me laugh and our hands touched, there was a pause.  The wine and the evening took over, and I leaned in for a kiss.

In that split second, my mind filled with doubt and shame, but he accepted the kiss.

Our heads separated and he initiated a longer and more passionate kiss, and the thoughts evaporated from my mind.

After the kiss, there was silence and both of us were grinning as we each took a drink of wine looking at each other.  My impulses got the best of me and I asked him if he wanted to go back to my place for another glass of wine.

Again, the self-doubt ran through my mind like a bullet-train and I watched him pull out two 20's, stand up, and extend his hand to me.  Just like that, we were off to my place.

We made our way towards my place and as we approached the building, I told him that I wanted to take the stairs because the elevator was noisy and the neighbor that lived across from it was an older woman and extremely nosy.

He laughed and told me to lead the way.

As we climbed the three stories of steps with a break to make out on one of the landings, my mind again went negative.  In the worst case, he comes in has a glass of wine, we make out and he leaves.  In the best case, we have sex, and he spends the night.  I was fine with both.

We finally reached my place and as soon as the door closed behind us, I found myself against the wall and passionately making out.  His calm and cool demeanor was gone, which I was completely fine with.  It had been years since I had experienced any sort of passion like this.

Our heads separated and I told him that I needed to straighten up and that he could open a bottle while he waited.  He assured me that I didn't need to do anything, but relented as soon as I insisted.

We kissed again and when our heads separated again, he asked if I consented to having him there and what was about to happen.  I could not contain my smile and almost blurted out a "yes", but caught myself and tried to remain calm before saying that I consent.

As soon as the word came out of my mouth his hand raised and he squeezed my breast, then rolled my nipple between his finger and thumb and gave a little tug.  My mouth opened and a slight hard breath came out before we kissed again.  

Our heads separated and he asked where the bottle was. I led him into my kitchen and handed him the bottle of wine and glasses and pointed to the bathroom around the corner.

I then floated to my bedroom.  I couldn't believe what had just happened and took a few seconds to try and re-ground myself.  I threw all of my clothes that were strewn about into my closet.  I pulled off my dress, reached into my dresser, and pulled out a box that had a black bra and panty set that was intended for my last ex but never used.

I heard him use the bathroom and slowed my roll.  I put my dress back on, fixed my hair, put a condom on my nightstand, and then made my way to the kitchen where he was waiting.

I led him into my living room and he sat down as I turned off the overhead light and turned on a lamp, then put on some music.

I cozied up next to him and we briefly talked about music with a few intermittent mini-makeout sessions.  

His presence began to calm me because normally, I would be all over the place.

He put his glass on the side table, then asked for mine.  He then turned to me and I leaned in without him saying a word and we kissed passionately.  His hand ran up my thigh and he said "Come here" as he lifted me on top of him.

I was straddling his lap and could immediately feel his bulge press into my panties.  I couldn't help myself as my hips instinctively began to grind on his bulge and I could not contain the little moan that came out before he kissed me.

I felt like I was in high school and dry-humping a guy at a party.  

Eric's hands slid in sync under my dress and up my thighs, and he grabbed my ass and pressed me harder into his bulge as my hips undulated and I moaned louder.

We kissed again as I kept grinding.  Our heads separated and our eyes locked.  He knew exactly what he was doing and I loved every minute of it.

His hands released my ass and pulled back, then they slid under the panels of my panties and he again grabbed my bare ass.  The hands on my flesh raised it up a notch and I let another moan.

I couldn't help myself as he watched my whole upper body move and little moans emanated from my mouth mixed his heavier breathing.

"If we keep this up, you are going to make me cum."

He grinned.  "Isn't that the point? Take off your dress."

I gave him a look of fake surprise and a smile before leaning back and undoing the top two buttons.  He watched me pull my dress over my head, and discard it to our side.  

Eric complimented me on my body, as his hands pulled out of the back of my panties and rested on my hip.  He then pressed my hips downward and I let another moan and kept grinding.

My usual feeling of self-conscience in a sexual situation was gone, and I sat upward and he grinned as my hands went behind my back and unhooked my bra.  He watched as it slid off of my body and I leaned in for another kiss before raising and feeding him my breasts.

I wrapped my arms around his head as he kissed, sucked, and nibbled at my breasts while my hips continued to grind against his bulge.

I released his head and he tugged at my hard nipples with his teeth before I leaned in for one more kiss. 

I could feel the pressure building inside of me, and I became more focused on grinding.  My breathing got heavier and my moaning increased.  We tried to kiss, but he knew that I was getting closer to having an orgasm.

Eric sat further back and let me take over. He watched as my movements became more deliberate and then I pressed my hands into his reclined chest.

I wanted to cum, and Eric let me have my moment.  

I leaned into him and shortened my hip undulations to focus on my pearl and within seconds my moans turned to almost a squeal as the pressure that had built up inside of me, exploded.  The orgasm flooded my body, and I became sensitive to the touch and almost wanted to get off of him.

I was still breathing heavily, as my hips began to slow, and we kissed.  His hands slid up my back and he pulled me in as the passionate moan-filled kiss continued.

Our heads finally separated and his hands rested on my hips, and the orgasmic haze had almost fully lifted. 

"What do you want to do?"

He looked at me, "I want you to suck my cock."

I climbed off of him and extended my hand, thinking that we'd go to the bedroom.

"I want you to suck my cock right here.", and he grinned.

Without hesitation, I positioned myself between his legs and lowered myself to my knees.  I saw the wet spot on his pants that I had just made, to which he let out a little laugh and told me not to worry about it.

The outline of his cock was impressive and I wasted no time revealing his pride.

He watched as I undid his pants and pulled his pants and boxers off at once, and his cock sprung up.

I grabbed his shaft noticing that my hand could not fully wrap around it, I bit my lip and began to gently stroke it.

His girth was bigger than I had experienced and it had been years since I had handled a cock of that length.

We made eye contact as my head lowered and I kissed his tip.  My tongue then swirled around the head of his cock, and then he watched me cup his shaft and my tongue dance up and down its length before I returned to the tip.

His grin got bigger as he watched his tip part my lips and I began to slowly take him in my mouth.  

My hand that was at the base of his shaft gently began stroking him and met my lips mid-shaft and they became synced with each other.

Every bob I took him a little deeper until my lips hit my hand at the base of his shaft.  I knew if I removed my hand, I would probably gag, and wasn't going to do that on our first encounter.

I closed my eyes and began to work him at a consistent rhythm while throwing in a muffled moan for good measure when in reality, I was getting really turned on sucking his cock which filled my mouth.

I slowed down and separated from his cock and he watched as my tongue went up the length of his shaft and I licked up the saliva from his cock.  

I then smiled, stood up, and reached out my hand "Let's go to the bedroom", and this time he could not say "no".

**** To Be Continued ****

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