I pegged My bf and I dont know how to feel about it and now he wants to do more.
My bf (20) -I his gf (20) has been together for 4 years, ( highschool sweethearts ) I love him so much and we have an amazing sexual relationship. We have tried so many fun things in the bedroom, Im a swtch and hes more dominant..or so I thought.
One time we was messing around and he asked if there was something I had wanted to try and he couldnt say no to. I responded jokingly with pegging, I was expecting him to give me a look or distgust and reject the idea. But he leaned in close to my ear and said, "I mean, Im down to try it."
This ovbiously caught me off guard. It was more or so a joke to get a funny reaction, but he was surprisingly open to the idea. So he researched it infront of me, like preperation and stuff. And so I went along with it cuz I am open to trying new things.
An so we tried it, but with baby steps tho..so we used a butt plug. ( didnt want to fully commit to it, incase he didnt like it ) But lemme tell you I have never heard him moan so much. It was a huge turn on, as I still didnt feel completely okay with it.
Like it was hot hearing him moan and I enjoy it, but I am afraid of hurting him? like Ive tried anal and god damn that hurts so bad the first time. But yeah since then, he mentioned how he want to try rimming? I just dont know If i can commit to it..
Like I want to be sure hes like preparing/cleaning down there properly before I try something like that? Cuz I frankly dont want to experience..well a bad experience? makes me gag at the idea honestly.
I dont know, What should i do?