My husband let me have a hall pass to fuck an NBA player [FM]
I was shopping in Target and I noticed that everyone was paying a lot of attention to a certain guy who was shopping with his two hot lady friends. He was tall and athletic looking and people were asking him for photos. He looked familiar but I'm not much a of a sports fan so I had no idea who he was. I asked the cashier if she knew and she gave me a shocked look and told me that he was the star player from an NBA team. I wasn't looking in his direction and the cashier started talking under her breath to me saying "Oh my god, he keeps checking you out and I think he is heading over here."
I didn't believe her at first because he literally had two beautiful young women with him already and then there was me, in my mid 30's wearing yoga pants, a tank top, and my hair in a pony tail. I turned around and sure enough, he was approaching. The cashier looked like she was about to faint.
He handed me a card with his number on it and said, "Hey, sorry to bother you but you are extremely beautiful and I'd love it if you met me for drinks at my hotel tonight. Text me if you want the address. If not, no biggie."
I wasn't quite as enthralled as the cashier but I had to admit he was extremely handsome and there was something deeply sexy about him.
I called my husband on the way home. I figured we would both get a kick out of it and that it would be a good laugh between us. He was definitely shocked but he immediately asked if I kept the number. I told him that I did but that I just thought it would be a nice souvenir. I was pretty surprised when he said, "You have to text him and get that address, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
I was a bit stunned. My husband had seen me with other men before but he was always there watching or participating. This would be the first time I was with another man without him. At first I was hesitant but as the idea started to settle in my brain the excitement took over and I was already picking out the night's outfit in my head.
When I got home I shot him a text and he quickly sent me the address to a posh hotel and told me to meet him at 8pm in the hotel bar.
My husband was next to me and said with a big smile, "I know he probably won't let you take any pictures but I'm going to need ALL the juicy details."
I arrived at the hotel wearing a black dress and heels. Underneath my dress I wore a lacy bra and panty set that I had just gotten. My husband hadn't even got to see me in them yet.
He was sitting alone at a small table tucked into the back of the bar and when he saw me he stood up and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek "Wow! you look even more amazing than I remembered."
He was dressed in an expensive looking suit and smelled fantastic. We talked for about an hour before heading up to his room. I guess you can't really call it a room, it was more like a really fancy apartment. There was marble everywhere and there was a grand piano in the foyer.