She was bullied by my date, so I gave her the confidence she deserves – Adorime
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She was bullied by my date, so I gave her the confidence she deserves [MF]

Jan 15, 2025

Jordan Zhou

Several years ago when I was in college, I experimented with the infamous dating app Tinder. At the time, dating apps had only recently started popping off and Tinder had experimented with various features, including linking your facebook so you can see mutual friends. Idk if Tinder does that anymore, but I liked it because it showed us if we knew anyone in common and that helped break the ice.

Ok, so I matched with this one girl (we can call her Brittany) who was on campus and we had a few mutual friends. She was some kind of dancer or something and was into theatre before going to college. I think she had starred in a hometown play or something like that and I kinda got the feeling looking back that she wanted to be some sort of star or something lmao.

Anyway, we chatted for like a day and met up off campus and the vibe seemed chill and I could tell she really took care of herself. Like I said she was a dancer and I could see that she worked out a lot and spent time doing her make up, etc. Though, the conversation kept coming back to her and it wasn't really about the both of us, if that makes sense.

I kinda chalked it up to us maybe not having our flow down yet after just meeting. For example, I asked her how she knew Jessica, one of our mutual friends. Jessica also appeared next to Brittany in one of her pictures on Tinder. Brittany smirked a bit and told me about how she knew Jessica before college and they were friends then, but they've grown apart since college. Brittany said she helped Jessica come out of her shell and she basically took her under her wing and helped her make friends, but they sort of just lost contact because Jessica is struggling with school.

This came as a surprise to me, since Jessica was in one of my classes (physics) and she seemed to be one of the smarter students in the class. I only spoke to Jessica a few times and didn't know her well, so I really didn't have anything to go off of. Trying not to assume anything and feeling uncomfortable with the topic, I switched the subject and we talked for maybe half an hour more or something before parting ways.

Back in my dorm, I was hanging out with my roommate and some of our friends. We were talking about midterms and stuff and my roommate brought up how I went on a date with Brittany, who was once close with one of the girls in our group, Maggie. Maggie said "It's not Brittany XXXXXXX, is it?" I only knew Brittany's first name, so I pulled up her Tinder bio and showed it to Maggie.

"This is her. Do you know her?" I said.

"Oh my gosh. Stay away from her!" Maggie told me.

"Why? She seemed cool" I replied.

"Yeah, well she's a fraud." Maggie shot back. "She's fake and she manipulates people. She basically bullied her way to be the lead in a play back home. She befriended the girl who was supposed to star in it and Brittany gaslit her into thinking her voice sucked and she was ugly. Brittany basically got her to stop acting altogether because she wasn't confident anymore. She does shit like that all the time and no one back home really likes her, but she's so entrenched with the cheerleaders back home that no one really says anything to her."

"Wow, that's so awful" I replied as Maggie examined Brittany's Tinder profile. "Do you think that she's still-"

Maggie cuts me off. "Look at this! Do you see her?"

Maggie holds the phone up and points to the picture of Brittany and Jessica. The picture showed Brittany in like a yoga pants/workout outfit and Jessica in jeans and a hoodie. I thought both of them looked cute, but you could tell Brittany had more confidence and seemed more ready for the photo to be taken.

"That's Jessica, who Brittany get into this college by basically doing her homework." Maggie informed me. "She was so nice to Brittany and put up with her shit and Brittany basically preyed on Jessica because she was the new girl and didn't know anyone."

"Oh wow, Brittany told me they grew apart because Jessica is having a hard time with school" I told her.

"Bullshit, Jessica is on the dean's list and she's the smartest girl I know." Maggie replied. I could tell Maggie was getting upset. "Do you see how she's posing with Jessica here? Jessica didn't know this picture was going to be taken at school. Brittany wanted to make herself look better in comparison by taking a picture with someone who wasn't prepared and was in the middle of something. She's even using that photo on her Tinder while she bashes Jessica to her dates!" Maggie was pissed.

"Ok, thank you for telling me this, Maggie" I said. "I'm really not interested in this Brittany girl anymore."

Maggie continued. "Jessica isn't struggling. It's just that Brittany made her feel like shit and she's afraid to even go on dating apps because she thinks she's ugly now."

"What? How could she think she's ugly!" I couldn't believe it. Jessica seemed real cute! She had this smart/nerdy kind of look that was attractive in its own way. "I think Jessica is pretty cute to be honest"

"Well, I'm glad you're not going to spend anymore time with that bitch. You deserve someone better" Maggie said.

After we all hungout, I blocked Brittany on Tinder. We hadn't exchanged numbers, so I figured I'd just cut her out of the picture. I'm not sure what I'd say to her if we came across each other on campus, but I could probably figure something to say in the moment if I really needed to.

Flash forward to Friday:

There's a big friday night house party happening just off campus. My roommate and I meet up with some of our guy friends and we head over after classes finish. Our school just won some sports game or whatever and we were happy to drink and let loose. Personally, I was into beer pong and I wasn't too bad at it. I thought I had devised a particular strategy based what I learned in physics to toss the ball in a better way or some bullshit. In any case, my bud and I were smoking the competition that night.

That is, until some more girls arrive and I see Brittany. We make eye contact and I'm taken out of the vibe. What if this girl got upset that I ghosted her and started spreading some rumor or something? Fuck it, I don't really care what she's got to say.

We continue playing and as I'm focusing on my super-scientific beer pong technique, she comes up and stands RIGHT next to me and looks at me in the eye, smiling and expecting me to say something. This takes me out of the game and now it's awkward. I don't know what to say, but the guys playing say its cool if someone else subs in for me while I talk to her. To not make it weird, I say sure and step off to the side with Brittany.

"Where'd you go? I haven't heard from you since Wednesday" Brittany questioned me.

"Yeah, I kinda deleted the app. I don't know, I don't really want to date right now" I replied, trying to get out of talking with her.

"Welllllllll if you deleted the app, your profile would still be up and we'd still have a match" She shot back

Shit. I shouldn't have spent so much time thinking about my beer pong strategy and spent some time thinking of what to tell Brittany.

At that moment, Maggie and Jessica walked into the room and went over to our friend group. I heard Maggie introduce Jessica to our friends. Jessica looked really good and classier than the other girls at the party. She had jeans, boots, a flannel, and thick glasses on. Contrasted with Brittany's frankly slutty, attention seeking neon croptop and booty short outfit that just kind of seemed desperate.

"See? That's the girl I told you about from back home." Brittany whispered in my ear. "Awwww, she's finally coming out to a party. She wouldn't have come out like this if I hadn't taken her under my wing. I'm so happy for her."

For all of the time it takes to cover herself in makeup and do her nails, you would think she'd take two minutes to brush her teeth before going out.

"Maybe she doesn't know how to play beer pong. Maybe we could have a game with her?" I said to Brittany.

She looked at me for a minute and smiled. "Yeah, let's do it. Both of us verses Maggie and Jessica". Brittany said as she went over to the girls.

I move over to my roommate. "Hey, when you finish I'm going to play with the girls but don't let me be paired with Brittany. Pair me with Jessica and say I should be the one teaching her."

"Ok, I got you" he said with a wink

I go over to the girls. "It looks like they're finishing up. We should get ready"

We go and watch the final minute or so of the beer pong game and I'm getting a bit nervous. The whole time I was thinking about how I don't want to be around this Brittany chick. Like wtf is her deal?

The game finishes and we setup the cups. Brittany comes to my side instantly and my roommate comes through.

"Jess, have you played before?"

"No, I'm afraid I don't know the rules" Jessica replied.

"Well in that case, you should be paired with him because he's really good and it'll balance out. He can teach out!" He pointed at me.

"You know what? That makes more sense. I'll go with Brittany" Maggie said

Nice, I get paired with Jessica and not Stinky Britt.

We start playing and things are going well. Maggie and Brittany are winning, but Jessica is learning the game and getting a feel for throwing.

A few minutes pass and I get us a few more points, putting us in the lead. Jess and I high five and I see her laughing and having a good time. She has such a cute smile and really pretty green eyes that look up at me through her glasses.

The game goes on. Maggie scores more points. She's actually pretty good. Before we know it, it's Jess' turn.

"Are you holding it like this?" Jess asks me.

"Kind of" I reply. "But I modify it a bit. I turn my wrist a little to get more control"

"Can you show me?" Jess asks nervously

I come to her side and put my hand around her's. She feels so delicate and I can feel that her hands are a bit sweaty.

"The key is to just focus on the cup" I tell her. I then move her hand back and then forward and she throws the ball. The ball goes up into the air and comes right down into a cup, splashing some beer out.

Brittany makes a real angry face, and I can feel the heat from her stare.

"That's cheating!" Brittany shouts out.

But my roommate keeps it calm. "It's all good" he says "This is her first game, we can cut her some slack. Don't you agree, Maggie?"

"Oh yeah, that's totally fine" Maggie says with a friendly smile

We keep going, and I help Jess along the way. Somehow we get a bit closer each time, and by the end of the game I'm basically right behind her with my arm coming over the side of her arm and while helping her toss. I'm almost a foot taller than Jess and I get turned on by the way she looks up at me helping her. I'm getting hard and I suspect she feels my boner against against her jeans.

After a few minutes, it comes back to me and I make the game-finishing point. Jess and I high-five once again and our friends congratulate us on the victory. Brittany, however, is silent and I can feel her radiate some bad energy. We all group up and talk a bit more, but Jess an I have a bit of a connection and we can feel it.

Maggie interrupts the group, saying "I think they're running low on beers for pong." She looks at me. "Do you mind coming downstairs with me and giving me a hand?"

"Sure, no problem" I replied.

"Great! We'll be right back, everyone" she tells the group. As we head toward the door, she grabs Jessica's wrist and sneaks her along.

As we go down the stairs Jess and I make some small talk with Jess.

"How do you feel about the physics exam next week?" I say.

"Oh, I'm pretty nervous about it. I've been doing well with the homework, but you never know with this professor." She says.

Maggie chirps in, laughing. "She's lying. Jessica probably knows more than the professor."

"Oh wow, I'm feeling ok about it, but I have to study some more before next Thursday." I say.

We reach the bottom of the stairs and see that there are only a few cans of beer left on the table.

"Shit, we need to get some more." Maggie sighs

"Shoot, well I can help pickup some more" I said.

"It's no big deal, I can have my older brother drop some off" Maggie said as she pulls out her phone.

Jess and I make eye contact and she tries to hold back a smile.

Maggie notices and says to us "Don't worry about it. Actually, I took physics last semester and that professor's exams are pretty hard. Maybe you and Jess should head back and she can help you study"

Jess' face reddens and she laughs softly. "Well, yeah.... I... I can help if you.... if you don't have anything else to do."

Maggie assures her. "No, it's late anyway. Why don't you too head back. My brother is on his way now with the beers and we'll be ok."

With that, Jess and I leave the house and walk back toward my dorm building. The walk wasn't long and we really clicked on the way back. We jokes about the professor and the topic of Brittany came up. Jess asked if I was seeing her and I told her no. I said I wasn't really interested in her after knowing more about her. Jess told me a bit about how Brittany treated people, and I told Jess that was the real reason why I didn't want to be around her. Well, that and her breath. We both laughed and talked about beer pong until we got to the dorm building.

I punched in the code to our room and welcomed her in. My roommate and I share a pretty clean room, which Jess seemed to appreciate. I had an artsy tapestry and a bookshelf containing many of the books I read since starting college. Our beds had pretty standard blankets and sheets, but they were clean and made nicely, which we do in the morning. We also had a cool snake plant off in the corner, which I think helped keep the air clean.

"So this is your place, huh?" she said, approaching the bookshelf.

"Yeah, we kinda neat freaks around here" I replied

She went over to my desk, which had the physics textbook out and she picked it up. "Oh, I have the notes for this chapter. I can give them to you tomorrow!"

I come over and she scoots her back up and looks up at me like she did while we played beer pong. Our eyes meet for a few seconds and she smiles. I go in for a kiss and she kisses back, moving her arm up to hold my hair. I can feel her fingers go through my hair and I taste beer on her lips.

She turns around, tosses the textbook on the desk, and comes back to me. We make out and I feel her hair, which has a brownish/reddish color under the light in the room. I can feel the frame of her glasses on my cheek as we move slightly. I want her bad.

She pulls me in closer, and my hand wanders from her shoulder down her arm. Her tongue is soft and one of her hands goes to my chest. I move my arm down further, tracing around her waste and then finally around her ass. She lets out a relaxing sigh and she kisses more intensely. I have a nice firm grip around the jeans covering her ass. I can hold so much of her cheek in my hand, and I just want to tear her jeans off.

Be bump up against the bed, and she kicks her shoes off and goes up on the blankets. I do the same, climbing on top of her. We continue to make out and my hands go back to her legs.

I whisper in her ear "When I said that I didn't like Brittany because of her personality, that wasn't the only thing. I think you're much more attractive than she is"

Her legs wrap around my wrist, and I feel the inside of her thighs. Through the jeans I feel how warm she is. I gently bite her lower lip as I slide my fingers up her thigh, reaching the part between her legs. It's hot and I can tell she's wet, but I want to tease her a little more.

I go back to her ear and whisper "I was way more attracted to you than I ever was to Brittany. I couldn't keep my eyes off you."

She starts grinding on my hand and I give in just a little. My hand rubs her through her jeans and I feel her breathe differently. I can feel the warmth of her breath and she leans up and whispers in my ear.

"Please... keep going" she whispers

I glide my hands up to her jeans button, undo her jeans, and slide them off. Her legs are so smooth and I feel them from the calf, up the thigh, and to her panties. I continue kissing her, and my hand wanders towards her ass, under her panties and pulls them down. I kiss her neck and look over at that firm butt she has, giving it a light smack and I feel her jump a little.

We continue to kiss and my hand comes around her waist towards her front. "When I saw you enter the party I forgot everyone was there. I just had to be with you."

She starts kissing my neck and my hand glides between her thighs. She's so hot and her legs wrap around my arm. I come up and start rubbing her. Her breath gets more intense, and she moans a little.

She's so wet and I love feeling her. My hand is noticeably larger than hers so I stay gentle, but I slowly rub with more pressure as I go.

She looks up at me through her glasses, which have been fogging. She goes to take them off, but I stop her.

"No, keep them on. I like how you look with them" I tell her. I'm hard as a rock through my jeans.

Her body moves around more and she's rubbing against my hand. I go harder and give her what she wants.

I keep talking to her. "I was turned on when we were playing beer pong. My cock was hard and pressing through my jeans. I just wanted to have you right then and there."

I put a finger in and she exhales deeply. I go at about the same pace and feel her warm juices all over my hand. She's so tight, but its so sexy.

Jessica says "I felt your cock when you were behind me at the party. I was shy, but I wanted you to take me"

My other hand lifts her shirt up and she takes it off. I continue fingering her, but we go a bit faster as I kiss her neck.

"You have nice perky tits too" I say with a smile. I slowly kiss down her neck and when my lips get to her chest, I can feel her heartbeat. She's so wet and taking my hand well.

I softly kiss over to one of her tits and start sucking. We're moving in sync and its so fucking hot. She starts getting really wet and her moans get more intense. I go faster and harder, but she takes it.

I continue sucking on her perky tit, then move to the other one. Her whole body is squirming and the whole room feels like a sauna. She lifts my shirt up and I take it off. My hand was away for a split second, but she grabs it and pulls it back down between her legs. She giggles a bit and feels my shirtless chest and down my abs.

I feel her wrapping around my arm tighter. "Oh, wow" she says "You looks really hard".

I look down, and her finger is right at the top of my jeans. The jeans are trapping my cock in, and if I get any harder I feel like it'll rip through the jeans. She caresses it over the jeans and I tell her "Go ahead, take it out"

She unbuttons my hands and pulls them down with my boxers. My cock springs out, free from the jeans wrapping it. Oh, it feels so good be out!

I see her mouth open a little and smile. I take her hand and have her hold my tip, which has precum dripping off. She slowly strokes the head and I feel her pressing on my hand even harder. I put in two fingers and go faster. She looks up at me nervously "Ple.... Please don't stop" she cries out

My hand keeps going, and I get rougher with it.

I say out loud "That's right, keep stroking my cock. Show me how bad you want it."

I go faster and rougher and she makes the cutest moans. I can tell she's close. I want her to cum on my hand and I won't stop until she does.

Her grip gets tighter on the tip of my cock and I move it back and forth. Her hand is slippery now with precum and I get really hard in her little hand.

She wimpers out "Oh fuck... wait..." her hand goes to my forearm, but I don't stop. She looks at me in the eye and I pick up the pace and I feel her shake. She starts squirming and her head goes back into the pillow and she moans out.

"Oh fuck.... oh wow...." she says as she quivers

I let her come and my hand moves away. Once she stops twitching, she rolls over and says to me. "I want to blow you. How do you want me?"

"On your knees looking up at me" I reply

She gets off the bed and gets on her knees, looking up. Her hands wrap around my cock and she admires it, which was really hot.

"Your cock is really nice. I like how it feels in my hand." she says as she kisses down the shaft.

I bring my hand down to her mouth and she opens it, sucking on the finger that I had in her. As I move my finger out, I gently hold her mouth open and put the tip in. It's so hot looking at her looking up at me with my cock in her mouth. She starts sucking me slowly while she jerks me at the base.

It's nice and slow, but she has a good grip and on me and honestly I'm so turned on at this point I can feel my balls getting heavy.

She starts going down more, taking almost half my cock in her mouth and making these cute choking sounds. Oh man, I can feel her throat with my tip. She tries to go down further, but her gag reflex pushes her off my cock with a big rope of saliva connecting her lips to me.

She coughs and then looks up at me, smiling. Holding onto my thighs, she pulls me back into her mouth and keeps sucking and really putting the effort in. I run my hands through her brownish/reddish hair and control her head movement. She starts stroking me harder at the base and I feel the spit and precum drip down my shaft. It's incredible...

She continues and my balls keep swinging, occasionally hitting her hand as we pick up speed. Her other hand goes to my balls and she pulls my cock out of her mouth with a loud *pop*

"You have really nice balls. Are you going to cum for me?" she says in a sultry voice

"Yeah, I'm getting close" I say

"Where do you want to cum?" She asks, looking up at me

"On your face. On your glasses. I want to cover your pretty face" I tell her

She giggles and shoves my cock in her mouth. She's so hot and I just want to explode all over her. I want to see her with my cum dripping off her glasses.

"I... I'm close, Jess" I manage to say

She pulls me out again with that *pop* and jerks me off with both hands while looking up at me, smiling. My cock is above her and I can't take it anymore. I feel it and my hand goes down and I hold onto her hair with one hand and my hand goes around hers with the other.

I shoot one big blob onto the left side of her glasses, then I move her so I shoot another on the right side.

"Don't stop" I tell her.

I shoot a couple more on her forehead and nose, and the last bit drips out toward the end of my tip. I rest my tip on her mouth, and she sucks it off.

Wow, her face is absolutely covered and she looks amazing. She takes off her glasses and giggles, as cum drips off of them.

She says "these things are a great eye shield for cum!"

We both laugh and clean up before my roommate comes back.

*Let me know if I did a good job recounting this. I might post some other stories in the future.*

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