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Visiting a Swinger Resort with My Friend's Wife - Part 2

Dec 27, 2023


cheng cuiping

After our little adventure on the beach, I knew this was going to be a fun few days with Nora. I was starting to see a side of her I didn't know existed. A side that combines her natural outgoing flirty and teasing personality with an insatiable sexual hunger.

After I had cum in her mouth on the beach, we decided to go back to the room, change, and get something to eat. It was the evening by now, and having left home early in the morning to fly, get to the resort, check in, and sit on the beach, we were exhausted. Nora dressed in a light, airy sundress that matched her figure perfectly and gave just a small hint of the gorgeous boobs underneath. We had a good time at dinner. The food was good and hanging out with her is always enjoyable. The flirty banter never ended between us and I was really looking forward to where this would end up.

We finished dinner as we heard the night life start up. Music, lights, and people in various levels of clothing, from nude to lingerie, to regular summer wear were all around.

"Do you think you've got energy to party tonight?" I asked her.

"Maybe tomorrow. I really want to get back to the room," she replied with a naughty look in her eyes.

We got back to the room and I sat down on an armchair and put my feet up. Nora grabbed her phone and sent off a couple messages.

"Texting Rob?" I asked.


"I hope he's not having second thoughts."

"Me too!" she responded. "We actually decided not to discuss any of this until I get back. So he's just asking about the flight and room and stuff."

"Wow, that's surprising. I can't imagine how he must be feeling knowing you're here and he won't hear about it for days."

At this point she was done texting and tossed her phone on the bed.

"For the next few days, I'm all yours in every way," she said seductively.

"Is that so?" I responded. "Is that why you told that woman that we're married?"

She walked over to me and sat in my lap. Leaning in close, she whispered in my ear, "All. Yours." She kissed me on the lips. A quick peck, nothing too sensual, but the energy between us was palpable.

She lingered there for just a moment before standing up. "I'm going to take a shower. You can join me if you'd like."

As if I needed to be told twice. I followed her to the bathroom. She leaned into the shower and turned on the water. I grabbed her hips from behind and pushed myself against her. She was still wearing her sundress and I was wearing shorts, but there was no mistaking that I was hard and ready for her.

She wiggled her ass against me for a second. "Hard already? I was worried it might take you a while to recover after what that woman did to you on the beach."

"Well imagining the sexy body underneath this dress has me excited," I responded as I ran my hands up her sides.

She turned around and pushed her body into mine. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed again. This time a full, passionate kiss. Our lips and tongues dancing together as our hands explored each others bodies. She broke away. "Stop imagining and see it for yourself."

I reached for the hem of her dress and in one quick motion took it up and off over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra, so I got my first look at her gorgeous breasts. Her boobs are big, and match her body perfectly. Her dark brown nipples were hard, pointing directly at me as I ran my hands up and down her sides, pausing momentarily to barely cup her boobs from underneath. She was even more gorgeous than I had imagined.

She took one of my hands and brought it lower, to her panties. "Take this off me," she said, barely above a whisper.

I hooked my fingers under the waistband and slipped them down. She kicked them off and stood in front of me entirely naked. I traced a hand up her thigh teasingly. She spread her legs ever so slightly. "Please. Touch me, babe," she whispered.

She called me "babe" on the beach, presumably as part of the show that we're married. Calling me that in the privacy of our room was something else.

I reached around her and grabbed her ass with both hands. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her to the sink countertop. I sat her on it and dropped to my knees. For the first time I was treated to a full view of her bare, spread pussy. She was waxed smooth. Her lips glistened with her wetness, attesting to how ready she was.

I looked up from her pussy into her eyes, silently asking her if this is what she really wanted. No going back from here. "I'm yours," was her only response.

I wasted no time. I licked her wet lips, a long, slow lick. She tasted incredible. I found her clit and began to lick small circles around it, eliciting a series of moans from her. I knew I had her to myself for the next couple days, but I wanted to experience all of her in that moment. As I licked her clit, I rubbed her lips between my index finger and thumb, every now and then teasing her by inserting a finger into her.

She ran her fingers through my hair as she continued moaning and whispering various combinations of "fuck", "that feels so good", and "keep doing that."

Once I found the right rhythm that she responded to, I focused on her clit. The time for teasing was over. I needed her to cum. I put a finger inside her and rubbed the front wall of her vagina while I pointedly licked at her clit. Her moans got louder and her breath got shorter. I felt her body tense up and her legs squeeze around my head. Her pussy contracted around my finger.

"Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she came. I suppose this would be the one resort where neighboring rooms won't complain about sex sounds.

I stood up as she collected herself and caught her breath. She got off the sink and leaned into me, kissing me, tasting herself on my lips. I quickly threw my shirt off and dropped my shorts. My dick was as hard as it has ever been and was poking into her hip. She grabbed me gently by the dick and led me into the shower.

We kissed some more in the shower, our bodies pressed against each other and my dick nestled between her thighs. She looked deep into my eyes. "Do you want me to suck your cock, babe?"

I could only smile in response. She dropped to her knees and wasted no time. She held the base of my dick and engulfed as much of me as she could in her soft lips. She pushed my head against the inside of her cheek and teasingly ran her tongue along the bottomside of my dick. I held her by her hair, careful not to be too forceful or pull her hair. We were still new to each other and I wasn't sure what she liked and didn't like.

As it turns out, she's an expert at giving head. Just the right combination of intense licking and sucking along with teasing me to prevent me from getting too close to cumming. I made sure to be very vocal, letting her know the effect she was having on me.

After a few minutes, she stood up. Still stroking my cock, she leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "It's time. I need your cock deep in me babe."

Before I could bend her over and fuck her, she turned the water off and grabbed a towel. She noticed the surprised look on my face. "In the bed," was her only response.

We dried ourselves off quickly as we walked out of the bathroom and back to the bed. She laid the towel on the bed and sat at the edge of it, spreading her legs as she scooted backwards until she was laying spread eagle in front of me. I wasted no time and got on top of her. She wrapped her legs around my back.

She grabbed my dick and rubbed my head against her wet hole. I kissed her again. "I brought condoms in case you want me to put one on," I said.

"No. I need to feel all of you, babe."

She continued to rub my cock against her, eventually putting my head right at her wet pussy. There was no going back now. I pushed slightly, nestling my head between her lips. "Give it to me," she whispered.

She pulled me into her with her legs wrapped around me. I pushed, giving her inch after inch until I was all the way inside her. I didn't move, just held it there for a moment. I could feel her hard nipples brushing against my chest.

"Fuck this pussy like you own it," she said.

I pulled out, almost all the way, and pushed back into her, hard. She yelped. I liked that reaction from her. I began to fuck her, trying to gauge her reaction to see how rough she liked it. Harder thrusts elicited louder moans. And her dirty talk never stopped.

"Fuck me babe. I need your cock to fill me up.", "This pussy is all yours. Use me.", "Give it to me hard. I need it." Things like that. I couldn't respond because I was so focused on fucking her (and also not cumming) that it took all my energy.

I really thought I would last for a while, considering I had cum in her mouth a few hours earlier. But the dirty talk coupled with the novelty of the situation meant there was no way.

"I'm going to cum soon, do you want - " I began.

"No! Inside me! I need it inside me!" she moaned back.

That pushed me over the edge. I planted my lips on hers, kissing her deeply as I pushed as deep into her wet pussy as I could and held my cock there. "Ohhhhhh fuck! Cum inside me!" she screamed. I felt my cock spasm. I began to shoot cum deep into her as her legs locked behind my back, holding me deep inside. We continued to kiss throughout my orgasm.

Traveling, coupled with rough fucking my friend's wife for the first time caused all the exhaustion to collapse on me in one moment. I rolled off Nora as my cock softened and fell out of her. We laid next to each other catching our breath for a few minutes silently.

I turned to look at her as she turned to me. She teasingly ran a hand down her body to her pussy. She put two fingers inside herself and brought them out covered in my cum. Without breaking eye contact she licked the cum off her fingers and swallowed it with a big smile.

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