[MF] Watching porn with a friend gets messy
Casey and I had been friends for close to a year. We had initially met in the context of flirting, despite the fact that I later discovered she had a boyfriend. Nothing really came of it and I realized that she gets off on attention. She liked to bring new people into the friend group and flirt with them, like some kind of game or conquest. Once they gave her what she wanted she'd move on pretty quick.
Despite that, Casey was a fun person to be around. If she wanted to she could make you feel like the most important person in the room. It also didn't hurt that she looked like a model: tall, lean, classy tattoos, piercing blue eyes and a delicately chiseled jaw. But that was all runner up, the real prize was her lips. She had by far the most divine, luscious lips, perfectly shaped. The way her pouty lips rested on her gorgeous face, if I hadn't known her I could imagine her speaking french: tongue and lips dancing around her smoky voice.
But Casey did not speak french - she spoke loud. She was an obnoxious, funny, charming mess that never missed a chance to make a raunchy comment. Every evening with her was an adventure. It wasn't outside the norm for her to flash her tits or grab my ass from time to time but eventually I just chalked it up to her wild-child behavior. She's a drop-dead knockout with a crazy streak. I told myself it'd be nice if something happened, but let's be honest - it's not gonna happen.
Anyway this is the time that something totally happened.
We met up for dinner like we had many times before and Casey wore a Misfits band T and a denim skirt with some beat up chuck taylors. She had this way of wearing relatively mundane clothes and still somehow looking like a goddess. Probably helped that she puts on makeup for like an hour anytime she left the house; her winged eyeliner was a thing to behold.
We sat outside in the patio seating and drank a beer each while we talked. I don't know if she noticed but I definitely checked out her legs a couple times. At one point she turned to face the sky and the way the setting sun shined against her dirty-blonde hair while she took a sip of her beer was a fucking work of art.
"What's up?" she asked, catching me off guard.
"Uh, nothing! It's justā¦ a beautiful day." I averted my gaze for the obligatory few seconds and pretended to look up at the sky while I finished my beer. As I looked back to her it was clear she hadn't looked away from my eyes. She was just grinning.
"Okay then," she mocked. "What do you wanna do after?"
"Probably watch something? Black Mirror?" I suggested. She was a fan of the show and I enjoy sci-fi so it was our go-to in the event of boredom.
"Sounds good!" She finished her meal and we headed back to my place for a chill night, or so I thought.
I don't remember which episode(s) we watched but I can assure you that there was no rational reason for this girl to get horny watching dystopian speculative horror fiction. And yetā¦ After an hour or so she looked over to me and asked, "Hey. Do you wanna watch porn?" As if that was just a normal thing for two buddies to do. She was dead serious. My heart was pounding out of my chest and attempting to climb out of my mouth so that it could scream YES.
"Um, sure." I replied, as if I didn't care one way or the other. Gotta play it cool - right? After all maybe she was just being the silly, raunchy, ball of chaos that she always was. So I picked up my tablet, opened the browser in incognito and handed it to her, "Why don't you choose something?" Like handing her the TV remote. Absolutely surreal behavior from both of us.
She found a video a lot faster than I ever have (I'm really indecisive), and hit play. We laid the tablet between us on the couch and we got comfy. As the video got more and more graphic the tension in the room was suffocating, she was lightly playing with her boob through her T shirt and I was squeezing my dick through my jeans. Once she got a look at my bulge she paused for a second.
"Fuck this," she said, lifting her skirt just above her panties and slipping her hand under the waistband. My eyes were glued to her as this relieved exhalation eased out of her lips, those perfect fucking lips. I tried my best to pretend I cared about anything that was happening on the screen but I couldn't have possibly given less of a shit.