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Giving my friend a massage has reshaped our relationship - Part 4

Dec 22, 2023


cheng cuiping


Emma is fairly thin and toned, I'd guess around 5'7"and maybe 135-145, but don't quote me. She has straight jet black hair that falls just past her shoulders, although she usually wears it up in a messy sort of ponytail with a few signature strands of hair framing her face.

Her eyes are a dark brown, a cute upturned nose and soft pale pink lips - I've heard her describe her face as "mousy" if that means anything to anyone. Her skin is also pretty pale, and come to think of it I don't think I've ever really seen her tan.

Her breasts are what I would call "firm handfuls", not necessarily small but not big, just perky, toned handfuls, maybe B or C cups. She'll probably read this before or once I post so hopefully she agrees. Her body in general is pretty toned, as she works out a lot and goes to fitness classes and yoga classes fairly regularly. We actually both go to the same yoga studio pretty often together.

What else, oh, her butt is also absolutely fantastic. Not small, but again toned, firm, a little bit of bounce and cheek and just all around wonderful.

As for aesthetics, she has a few small black and white line work tattoos, quite a few ear piercings and a small nose-ring. She'll often wear rings and necklaces and bracelets, and come to think of it most all of her jewelry is silver.

That's all I can really think about - if you all have any more questions let me know though.

Some of you also asked what I look like - think of your standard west coast white dude honestly. Shaggy brown hair and brown eyes, trimmed facial hair, 5'11"and mildly athletic body type but nothing crazy, fairly pale skin, and pierced ears.

Part 3 Recap:

As a quick refresher, Emma and I had a few good conversations about what we were doing and where we wanted to take things between us. We both agreed we were having fun and wanting to explore the more sensual side of massages, but didn't necessarily acknowledge the sexual tension between us. That sexual tension came up at our big friend's cabin getaway, with some teasing and fun pushing of boundaries in the hot tub and afterwards changing.

The day we got back Emma came over to relax and hang out, which led to her giving me a massage. I let her take control and told her I was pretty much willing to let her do whatever she wanted, and after a very intimate and relaxing massage she started teasing and building some tension, eventually progressing to giving me a very sensual handjob/massage. After she made me have a super intense orgasm, we both decided to head to bed, deciding it would be silly to still sleep clothed around each other. We fell asleep cuddling naked, Emma pressed to my side, her head on my shoulder and her leg thrown across my waist.

Part 4!

I slept soundly through the night, waking up a bit before my alarm went off at 7:30. Sometime during the night we had adjusted, Emma now wrapped up in my arms as the little spoon. My morning wood was tucked up against her butt, my arms wrapped her waist.

She was still fast asleep, her breath nice and gentle. In the morning silence and with a clear head I reflected a little on our current somewhat strange situation. Three our four weeks ago we were best friends. Now my best friend was naked in my bed, in my arms, having given me an incredibly intimate and sensual massage the night prior. We hadn't kissed each other on the lips and we hadn't really engaged in a mutual "sexual"interaction, but I felt closer and more connected to her than past women who I had dated for months at a time.

I didn't really know what to think about it all to be honest. While I found her attractive and beautiful, I didn't have the overwhelming urge to have sex with her. I guess I could say I was just content, content with being fully myself, fully present, vulnerable, nude … content with this new-to-me type of friendship that was incredibly intimate and physical, but not a traditional monogamous relationship.

My sleepy train of thought was interrupted by Emma, her body stirring and a quiet, raspy "good morning"breaking into the silence. She stretched and arched her back, pressing her body against me while slowly rolling onto her back and looking at me through half opened eyes.

I told her good morning back, propping up onto one elbow and glancing slowly up and down her body, partially covered by my white cotton sheet. One leg exposed, a hint of her trimmed black pubic hair, half her torso and a few tattoos, her nipples just barely covered by the sheet.

She said in the same raspy voice "like what you see? How bad is my hair?".

I honestly told her "cute, messy but cute", reaching out to stroke my hand across her chest.

She sighed and stretched again, closing her eyes briefly before softly opening them and directly meeting my gaze. I held eye contact for a moment in silence, then said "so I was thinking about our last conversation, I'm still feeling the same towards sex and all that … buuuut I do think it'd be kind of weird not to kiss you right now".

She smiled, then just nodded her head and wrapped her hands around the back of my head, pulling me down towards her. I closed my eyes and felt her lips part, welcoming mine. Despite our dry lips and morning breath the kiss was soft, tender, all the intimacy and tension between us melting into the softness of the morning. I stroked the side of her face while our lips danced together, first a little shy and exploratory but quickly finding a slow and steady rhythm.

Just as my brain was fully starting to turn off and become fully present a few minutes later, we were rudely interrupted by the piercing sound of my alarm. The awful reminder of our capitalist hellscape instantly killed the tension and sensual moment between us, both of us groaning and laughing in unison as we separated and started to get up from bed.

Both of us had to get to work, albeit both work from home, but still duty called. Save for some teasing touches and lingering glances at each other while dressed we behaved ourselves. I drove her back to her apartment to save her the twenty minute-ish walk back, and on the way we rehashed our plan for me to give her an equal massage experience this week, settling on that Thursday night.

We texted back and forth a bit during the week about nothing in particular, our usual friendly banter. I was super busy with work so I didn't do much, but in my free time I was filled with anticipation and fantasies about how I wanted to handle the upcoming massage. I also ended each day that week reading through the massage book I purchased, noting down lots of tips and techniques to try out.

Sometime during the week Emma and I agreed to go to a yoga class together Thursday evening and proceed from there. Thankfully Thursday was less busy at work, enough so that I could take off a little early to run some errands in preparation before the class. I went to a new-agey little apothecary (think crystals and herbs and jewelry and fancy body products), picking up some interesting looking candles and a rose scented body scrub. I also grabbed some flowers and fresh, nicer than usual flower, then met Emma at the studio we go to.

The class was nice and relaxing, a yin class we've taken quite a few times before. On the way back to my apartment we stopped and grabbed a bite to eat, a little bit of nervousness or apprehension maybe settling in between us. We were still our usual friendly selves, but there was just a bit of some sort of tension between us. While we were cutting through the park to my apartment after dinner, we shared the joint I had prepared and brought with, both getting a solid buzz.

While we walked, I brought up our plans for the first time that night, first just rechecking that she was still on board. She blushed and said "yes, absolutely … I'm honestly really excited it's just new and all that".

I understood, telling her how nervous I felt when she started massaging me the other night. I tried to reassure her, saying I would take care of everything and all she had to do was relax and let me know if she didn't like anything or wanted something different. I think this little check in plus the weed calmed us both, as soon when we were walking up to my apartment Emma was her normal giggly self, slapping my butt playfully from behind on the stairs.

Making it inside, I told her the first order of business was a shower. It felt a little weird to ask, but I clarified that if she was down I would love to shower with her. She laughed and said "at this point you probably don't have to ask".

I told her to head in and I would be right behind her, wanting a few minutes to enact my plan. Once I heard the water turn on, I quickly went to my room and grabbed some pillows and a few clean blankets, setting up a cozy area on the floor for the massage. I put out the flowers on the counter nearby, not really as a romantic gesture but more to create a relaxing/pleasant ambiance. I also lit the candles I picked up, spreading them out throughout the room to make a nice warm glow. Lastly I turned on some ambient music, then headed into the shower to join her, starting to feel a bit of nervous excitement in my chest.

I was greeted by a wall of steam upon opening the door (she apparently likes her showers to melt her skin off), stripped down quickly noticing my growing erection, them slipped past the curtain and into the shower. Emma was turned away from me, water running through her hair. Her toned back and butt looked absolutely stunning, and I couldn't resist leaning towards her to plant a kiss at the top of her spine.

She leaned her chest back towards me, her arm curling above her head and finding my shoulder as I continued to wordlessly kiss down her spine. I kissed down every inch, stopping just above her waistline, Emma turning around to face me as I stood back up.

She had the cutest smile on her face, her wet hair hanging down around her shoulders, her breasts and small nipples pointing up at me. I took a breath while taking another look up and down her body, then leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

Once she finished washing her hair I told her to turn around, firmly taking a handful of her butt once she did and saying "God your ass is so perfect", causing her to laugh and shake her hips a little.

I then told her "Okay, hands up on the wall and arch out a little".

She looked back over her shoulder at me with a questioning smirk, but did as asked and slowly arched her butt out, firming up her back. It took a lot of willpower to not just squeeze and touch it again, but wanting to keep the night mostly about her I resisted and opened the fancy body scrub I had bought earlier.

I scooped a generous handful onto my fingers and spread it around my palms, then placed a hand in front of her face so she could smell. I heard her take a big breath in, then say "ooo that's really nice, love the rose … is that new for me?".

As I spread my hands out wide at the base of her shoulders and started to scrub, she groaned out while I said "Yeah, I thought it would be nice before all the oil … if you like it you're welcome to take the rest home".

I worked my way slowly down her back, massaging the coarse scrub into her skin. She was sighing and moaning and pressing her body back further into my hands, and in a breathy pleasurable voice said "mmm we can leave it here, but I'll probably be showering at yours more often".

"Fine by me", I responded, continuing to slowly work my hands lower and lower. I grabbed another handful of the scrub as I got to her waist, taking my time to scrub every inch of her waist, glutes, and upper thighs. As I was scrubbing I was also kneading my palms into a few tense spots in her glutes, eliciting more moans from Emma while she pressed further back into my hands.

I was on my knees behind her and absolutely entranced by the view, her perfectly firm butt in my hands, bouncing and jiggling with the movement of my hands. The water was rolling down her back following the trough of her spine and running over the curves of her waist and cheeks.

As I scrubbed further down her legs to the backs of her thighs she widened them, allowing me to rub up and down her inner thighs. With her legs spread, I could also now see her lips pressed together, water trickling off of them. They looked a little red and puffy already, and it was hard to tell with the water but I thought I could see a bit of glistening wetness between them.

Resisting the urge to touch or bend her further over and taste her, I finished the body scrub by turning her around and quickly scrubbing my way up the front of her legs. I placed a soft kiss on her belly just above her bikini line, looking up and simultaneously getting a face-full of water and a short but maddeningly hot view of her body and eyes looking down at me.

I stood to face her, my now agonizingly hard cock bouncing and making contact with her stomach, the tip briefly grazing her short pubic hair. I quickly rubbed the rest of the scrub on my hands into her arms, then rinsed my hands off in the streaming water behind her. I grabbed the shower head and rinsed her body off next, and while spraying her down to make sure all the scrub was off, she said "wow, that was so relaxing - that scrub is so nice."

Now that she was nice and clean, she stepped out of the water and let me finish rinsing off. She stood against the back wall and watched me while I quickly soaped myself up and rinsed, the hot water and brief pause in physical contact giving me a moment to calm down and get less obnoxiously hard.

Once we were both finished up, we got out of the shower and I playfully dried her off, wrapping her up in a big fresh towel. While I dried her off I was playfully tickling her and kissing around her body, making her giggle and eventually pull me into a tight hug. I had my towel wrapped around my waist and was holding hers around us both, her arms tight around my waist. Amidst the playfulness there was a sudden moment where our eyes met and we both gave eachother a knowing smirk, then leaned in for a warm, soft kiss.

Breaking away a minute later, I took her hand and led her out to the living room. She laughed and said "oh my, how cute"in reaction to the candles and flowers and everything, proceeding to tease me a little with some friendly banter about being a romantic.

I dismissed her with a "yeah, yeah, you love it though, come on lay down", gesturing towards the blankets and mat on the floor.

She unwrapped herself from the towel, turning to hand it to me while taking a moment to stretch up and to the sides before dropping down to the floor. I had turned around to drape the towel over the back of a nearby chair, and when I returned to face her saw she was in a "childs pose", briefly stretching on the floor. If you don't know what that pose looks like I would encourage you to google it. I was standing just above her head looking down at her and had an intoxicating view of her back and butt, propped up in the air.

She slowly slid her legs back and dropped her hips, letting her body come to a rest face down on the floor. While she used some pillows to support her face, I draped a clean sheet over her lower half, then following the advice of the book I read slipped a firm pillow beneath her shins to support her legs and knees. She sighed out deeply, then mumbled something along the lines of "I could get used to this", wiggling her body slightly and settling herself in.

I was prepared this time with some coconut oil instead of lotion, and after kneeling above her head I coated my fingers in the half melted oil, rubbing it between my palms to warm and melt it. I'll try to be a little more brief writing about the massage in order to get to the good part, but I started by just gently setting my hands on her exposed back. I guided her through some deeper breathing, trying to get her fully relaxed and present and tuned into the feeling of my hands on her skin.

After a few minutes of breathing and gradually pressing my hands into and around her back, I started making slow strokes with my palms from her shoulders all the way down to her hips. I had tried to memorize one of the massage flows from the book I was reading, working first in broad gentle strokes, then making shorter slightly deeper strokes, and finally targeting any areas of tension with more pinpoint pressure and kneading. I had to adjust myself a few times, moving from the top of her head to her sides, but quickly found myself in a flow state of my own.

I don't know how to describe it exactly, but I lost track of time and was almost in a sensual autopilot, my hands working through the strokes and techniques I had been reading, honing in on tender or tight spots. I was fueled by Emma's steadily increasing sighs of relief and soft moans, or the occasional word of affirmation or appreciation. I also started to feel more connected to her body, as if the skin of my hands were merging with hers, starting to find some familiarity and remembrance of how her body felt the last time I massaged her. I was naturally drawn to a few areas where I knew she held tension from the past two massages, and really just started to feel a deeper sort of intimacy between us.

After maybe twenty or thirty minutes of working through her neck, shoulders, and back, I naturally started drifting lower, my fingers starting to graze the soft skin and curves of her butt beneath the sheet. Before removing the sheet I did one last technique that she really liked, placing one palm firmly at the top of her hip bone and pushing downwards towards her feet while deeply and slowly dragging my other hand up along the side of her back towards her shoulder. Essentially stretching out her entire back, Emma groaned louder than previous times, enjoying it as I repeated a few times on each side.

Kneeling at the side of her waist, on the last of these stretching motions I let my hand that was pushing down into her hip slide lower, drifting up and over her butt, dragging the sheet down as I started to massage her glutes and hamstrings. I repeated the same type of flow on her legs, starting gentle and broad, then focusing on smaller and smaller muscle groups. As my oiled hands massaged down her body, Emma's legs started to drift further and further apart. It was never a visibly apparent shift, but after another fifteen minutes or so her thighs were now several inches apart.

I had readjusted to be straddling her right leg, focusing in deeper on her butt. She really liked one motion where I would circularly kneed with my palm into the side of her glute, then slowly lower my arm to glide my forearm down along the side of her leg, finishing with my elbow digging in for some deeper pressure. While I would make these strokes, my free hand would rest on her inner thigh for stability. At first I just had it a few inches above her knee, but as she relaxed and sighed out in pleasure with each pass I started drifting it higher and higher.

Eventually that hand was wrapped around the upper crease of her thigh, the tender skin just inside her cheek beneath my fingers and the warmth from her now slightly swollen lips drawing me closer and closer. As I transitioned to her other leg, I let my fingers slowly and softly brush across her lips. My middle finger briefly slipped between them and I couldn't help but moan as I felt her warmth and wetness for the first time. I noticed her shiver and breathe out sharply, her legs now noticeably spreading further apart.

As I started on her other leg, I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself down, not wanting to get overly turned on just yet. While I repeated the same strokes up and down her leg, I kept finding my eyes drifting up between her legs, watching as her lips continued to swell and glisten.

On some of my longer strokes up her leg and around her glute, I let my fingers make contact again with vulva, occasionally massaging around her outer lips. Finally once the tension between us felt palpable, her hips gyrating slightly to my touch while I needed into her glute, I slipped my middle finger between her lips. She was so wet and warm that her pussy practically pulled my finger inside of her, causing us both to moan out in unison. Her hips gyrated, pulling my finger deeper inside of her while I massaged her internally with my finger.

I continued to slowly explore her with my fingers for a few minutes, making sure to move agonizingly slowly, teasing and massaging but not really "fingering". She had adjusted slightly now to where her hips were elevated an inch or two off the floor, enough where I could slip my other hand beneath her pelvis. My pointer and middle fingers slipped between her lips and rested on either side of her clit while my other middle finger continued to slowly massage down towards her G-spot.

Finding the stimulation she was craving, she started moaning louder, no longer sighs and groans of relief but pure pleasure and intensity. She gyrated her hips down into my fingers, and I could feel her opening up further for me and the heat and wetness building inside of her.

It took a lot of willpower to not slip another finger inside of her and fully take control, but just as her moans were starting to really ramp up I slowed down, gradually slipping my finger out of her pulling my hand out from beneath her.

She didn't say anything, but I could feel her body drop back to the floor and heard a little frustrated "hmmpf", noticing her hands tightening up into fists grabbing at the sheet. I leaned down and kissed the center of her spine, kissing my way up towards her head.

I whispered in her ear "time to flip over Emma", leaning back and watching as she slowly rolled herself onto her back, her eyes briefly fluttering open and looking up at me.

She whispered out "this feels so good", reaching up with her right hand to pull me down towards her. I gave her a single slow, sensual kiss that ended with our tongues brushing against each others. As I pulled back and adjusted to be sitting just above and to the side of her head, I drifted my fingers up from her lower abdomen over her chest, my fingers fluttering around the sides of her nipples.

We were probably an hour into the massage at this point, so I decided to start really trying to ramp up her sexual energy now that she should have been sufficiently relaxed. After a few rounds of guided breathing with my hand stroking her sternum and collarbones, I briefly worked on the tops of her shoulders and back of her neck.

This quickly transitioned to massaging her chest, where I started to repeat a lot of the chest massage I gave her the last time. As the minutes passed by and her chest opened up and relaxed into the floor, my fingers occasionally slipped around her breasts, applying varying levels pressure and directness to her quickly hardening breasts.

I watched her face closely while massaging her breasts, paying attention to what touches and strokes caused her to bite her lips, tense her muscles, or take deep breaths. I could see her face getting redder as well as I focused more and more on teasing her nipples, guiding her occasionally with my words to try and envision a ball of light above her chest, channeling warmth and energy with her breath into her hands.

Finally after a good fifteen minutes of massaging and teasing, my fingers simultaneously applied direct pressure to her nipples, squeezing and gently pulling them as I kneaded her breasts. She moaned out loudly, her low back arching off the floor and her legs parting and dropping open in a very narrow diamond shape.

She looked so beautiful, so sensual and erotic as she writhed to my touch. After a few minutes of playing with her nipples I slipped my hands lower, starting on an abdominal massage flow recommended by the book. At first just gentle circles, mostly for relaxation around her abdomen. My fingertips drifted through her trimmed pubic hair at the bottom of each circle, and as I applied a little more pressure her hips rose off the floor to meet my touch.

I could sense her trying to draw me in, her body rising to meet my hands, starting to get desperate for some sort of release. The wide circles transitioned to some long, slow strokes down her hip flexors and quads, then back up her inner thighs. With each painfully slow stroke up her inner thigh her legs opened wider into a diamond shape, her feet pressing together. I adjusted myself to be kneeling between her spread legs, allowing me to massage up each of her thighs at the same time.

Once her legs and hips were spread wide enough her labia spread open, revealing every inch of her body to me for the first time. Her inner lips were a soft pink, glistening with wetness, a single silky strand sliding down her thigh. The air between us smelled like sex, her scent fueling my own arousal. As someone who absolutely loves to go down on women I had a hard time resisting the urge to drop down on my knees and taste her, but I continued on with teasing and massaging her legs.

Eventually the tension between us became overwhelming, and it felt like neither of us could resist anymore. While I was obviously in control, it felt like her body drew me in, her hips rising slightly as I slid my hands up her thighs one final time. Whereas on all my previous strokes my fingers had slipped around the edges of her outer lips, this time my thumbs slipped between them, spreading them wide and slowly massaging her labia until I reached her clit.

While I had read and watched various "yoni massage"techniques and had a plan coming into the night, the arousal and tension got to me. I had intended to slowly massage and explore every inch of her, various strokes and massage techniques for her clit and vagina to slowly build and build, but her moans and gyrating hips were all I could focus on.

Led by her body and reactions, I quickly abandoned any hope of teasing and began focusing on her swollen clit, massaging circles around it, flicking my finger softly across it, all while slowly sliding two fingers into her. I curled my fingers upwards inside of her, her pelvis grinding down into my fingers. Her moans started filling the room as I found a steady rhythm massaging around her clit, letting her grind into my fingers inside of her as she wanted.

After a few minutes of this steady rhythm she opened her eyes and looked at me desperately, her lips parting slightly and her chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. I held her gaze, speaking for the first time in quite a while, asking in a playful low tone "Feeling good Emma?".

She just groaned and nodded her head in response, watching me intently and softly moaning as I continued to massage her clit and G-spot. My fingers were now fully covered in her wetness, and mixed with the scent of the coconut oil and rose scrub and various candles, I took a deep breath in and savored the moment.

Sensing a bit of a plateau, I started applying a bit more pressure and making tighter circles around her clit while being a little more forceful with how I was massaging her from inside. As soon as I changed the tempo she cried out in a louder, sharper moan, letting out a long "fuuuck just like that".

Now with any pretense of a "massage"gone, I focused on building up her impending orgasm. Holding the same temp, I watched as her abdomen tensed and released, her hands gripping at the sheets beneath her. Her eyes clenched tightly as my fingers slid in and out of her, making a soft gushing sound every-time they curled up into her.

I noticed that she started to hold her breath and tense, so I reminded her "Breathe Emma, I've got you … you're so close … that's it just breathe".

Hearing me say this sent her over the edge, her body tightened as she took deep, dramatic breaths. The walls of her vagina clenched tightly around my fingers, almost painfully slow as I resorted to just grinding my fingers against her G-spot. I felt a slight rush of wetness against my fingers, her lips parted and let out a loud, raspy moan. She repeated "fuck, fuck, Im right there … oh fuck I'm …"her voice trailing off into another moan as her orgasm finally peaked and washed over her.

Her legs vibrated slightly, and as she came down from her orgasm they relaxed and stretched out straight. Slowly removing my hands from inside of her and her clit, I stroked delicately up and down her body. She was mostly silent now, save for the sound of her breathing, a little shaky but returning to normal.

I tenderly lowered my head to her stomach, placing soft kisses around her belly button and down towards her vulva, eventually not able to contain myself and placing one soft, gentle kiss on her clit. She shivered slightly as I selfishly inhaled her scent and tasted her on my lips, then slid up along side of her and wrapped both of us up in a blanket, pulling her onto my chest atop me.

I stroked her back and played with her hair, finally feeling her return back to a normal breath pattern. She started softly kissing along my neck, then finally spoke and thanked me, saying how intense that all felt.

We laid like that for a few minutes, both coming down from such an intense emotional and physical sensation. We started chatting, mostly just recapping what we each felt and liked about the experience. At some point I mentioned how I had a hard time resisting going down on her, and after a short giggle she said "next dime don't resist then - don't even hesitate", ending her sentence with a soft kiss.

We kissed for a few more minutes, just gently exploring each other. Eventually though the tiredness washed over us both, and after a few yawns from each of us we decided it was time for bed. After brushing our teeth and straightening up, we crawled into bed together and took up our now standard cuddling position with her resting her head on my shoulder, her body strewn across the side of mine.

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