In college, I (F) let my all-male friend [Group] use me as a fucktoy
When I first came to college my Freshman year, I had just broken up with a long-term boyfriend, knew nobody on campus aside from my roommate, and was pretty desperate for friends. I tried to join a few clubs, but they all seemed to have established cliques already that I was too shy to break into. Finally I joined anime club, and despite only being familiar with attack on titan and a few ghibli films, everyone there was pretty welcoming. I became friends with four guys there and started hanging out with them outside of club meetings. Aside from being generally a bit awkward and inexperienced with talking to girls, they were all really nice and seemed genuinely interested in being my friend.
One of the guys, let's call him Jake, had a solo dorm with no roommate, so we would all usually hang out there after classes and watch movies, anime, or play video games together. One night we had all been watching a movie and drinking, mostly just chatting over the movie, when one of them admitted he was still a virgin. This led them all to start talking about how none of them had had sex before, and then all of us talking about what we had done. I of course had lost my virginity already to my high school boyfriend and admitted that, after which it had gotten a bit quiet. Afterwards, one of the guys admitted he hadn't even touched a girl's boob before, which for some reason really surprised me. It must have been the alcohol, but I offered right then and there to let him touch my boobs. Everyone looked at me a bit stunned, and then he asked if I was joking. I said no, reached under my shirt, undid my bra, and told him to go ahead. He tentatively looked around, then scooted over to me and started playing with my breasts through my shirt. All of the other guys were a bit shocked, and just watched silently as he played with my tits. I told him he could go under my shirt if he wanted, feeling brave, and he took me up on it, scooting me in front of him so he could watch the movie while he leaned me back against his chest and fondled my boobs. After a few minutes, I could tell my other friends were getting jealous so I told them they could touch them too if they wanted. I was suspicious they also hadn't touched a girl's boobs before, and they seemed plenty eager. We spent the rest of the night watching movies while they each took turns playing with my tits.
Every other night we ended up doing something like this, getting together to watch a movie while we drank, and then once we were all tipsy enough I would sit in the middle and they would explore my body with their hands. I'd say I'm pretty average looking and a little on the chubby side, but they seemed to think I was irresistible. Eventually it got to the point where I would take my clothes off for them while they did it, and soon enough most nights they'd have me in just my panties while they groped my chest, butt, and thighs and occasionally rubbed my pussy. It made me feel really good, and wanted, so I let them keep doing it and I could tell they really appreciated it. Outside of these nights, our friendships remained the same.
One night I was hanging out with just Jake in his dorm, and we had been smoking and playing super smash bros. We were both pretty baked and he kept losing to me because he would stop playing to knead my breasts through my shirt. I bet him that he couldn't beat me, and he agreed, on the condition that if he won I would blow him, and if I won he'd buy me Taco Bell. He upped his game 200% and absolutely kicked my ass. I asked him if he was serious about the blowjob, which made him shy and he said I didn't have to. I could tell he was disappointed because he thought I wouldn't and honestly I didn't want to let him down, so I got off the bed and onto my knees at the base of it and told him to pull his pants down.