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My friend's boyfriend couldn't make her cum so I did.

Feb 07, 2024


Jordan Zhou

This is one of my favourite sexual experiences of my life and it happened last summer. I'd been living in a new city for about a year and made a friend at work, Anna.

We worked on the same floor and shared an office from time to time. As the only two women in the department, we became friends almost instantly. I was struck immediately when I met her by how tall she was, how confident. She was in charge of our team and didn't take any shit from the men. I liked that. We work in a very male dominated industry, but she was the matriarch. Dominant.

Her tight blonde curls hung about her head, spilling down the formal blouses she wore. Every day was another variation of an ironed black skirt, and her figure was like a perfectly drawn curve. Anna smiled with little dimples in her cheeks, but nothing had ever indicated to me at least that she might be attracted to women. I find that's often how it goes.

Throughout the year we got lunch together every day, walking from the office. At the start of the year she talked a lot about her boyfriend, Zack. Yet by the time summer was ending, I rarely heard about him. I assumed they'd broken up, until one day Anna invited me to a pool party at their apartment. Their? I was shocked she lived with him. She never mentioned him at lunch anymore and I swore she'd talked about going on dates.

"You guys are still together?"

"Yeah, we're trying it out again."

"What happened?" I said, honestly baffled.

"It's complicated." She sighed, sipping her coffee. Classic.

The day of the party rolled around and I wore a navy blue bikini under my sun dress. I think I brought a salad. Who cares.

I spotted Anna chatting with some of our coworkers by the salt water pool. It was a fucking nice apartment.

"Hey sweetie!" She called to me, rushing over and taking the salad from me.

"Hey to you too!"

"You want to take a swim with me? Oh here's Zack!"

Zack detached himself from the group too and looked up and down my body with no subtlety. Gross.

"I didn't know you worked with such a smoke show, babe." He sauntered over.

"Stop it, Zack. That's Mira. I told you about her, remember?"

We had a useless conversation apart from Zack presenting himself to be an absolute ass. He would talk over both of us constantly and kept scratching the bald spot on his head before covering it back up with his hat.

Anna was clearly embarrassed and looking for an excuse to get him to go away.

"Damn I forgot the paper plates, you want to come up to the apartment with me, Mira?" She begged me with her eyes.

"Absolutely, nice to meet you, Zack." I said flashing a fake smile. Little did he know, in 10 minutes my tongue would be in his girlfriend's pussy.

We chatted walking up to Anna's apartment.

"God I'm sorry he was such a dick, Mira. Truly."

"You're totally fine, the relationship problems are making sense now."

"I swear he's not always like that, he's just not great socially."

"Hey as long as the sex is good," I joked to her. But the second I said it I realized how shitty I sounded. We looked at eachother for a little too long.

"If I'm being honest, it's not." Anna sighed.

"No?" I chanced, questioning a little further. We'd never talked this openly before.

"No. He doesn't… do much for me. It's never been good, but I- I just feel like we're compatible in other ways."

We walked in the door. It was a cute apartment. Roomy with vaulted ceilings. About as good at as it comes when you're 25.

Anna was rummaging around in the kitchen so I excused myself to the bathroom to change out of my sundress. Satisfied with my reflection in the mirror, I smiled seeing how nice my tits looked in the bikini. I came back in as she was putting paper plates and bottles of wine in a big grocery bag.

"You ready to-" She looked up. We stared at eachother. "Wow Zack wasn't wrong. You do look good."

"You think so?"

"Really good Mira, I had no idea."

"Thanks," I smirked at her.

"Where's your bikini?" I asked.

"I haven't had time to change yet."

"Can I see it?" I pushed the boundary. It was now or never.

"I- yes sure."

We wandered into her bedroom and Anna started sorting through a drawer, mulling over different swimsuits.

"What do you think of this one?" She held up an absolutely tiny black two piece set.

"I can't tell, you're still wearing jeans." I pointed out.

"You want to see it?" She looked away.

"Yes, ma'am." I smiled.

"Okay I'll change really quick if you don't mind." She smiled back at me.

I watched her lift her ribbed tank top over her head. Her tits were incredible. Wow. She slowly took off her bra. Why were we making eye contact? Her breasts spilled out, pink nipples with cute areoles decorating them.

"Will you help me tie the straps?" She asked, still looking at me.

I got up, we didn't break eye contact.

She held out the top to me, and I took it in one hand, slowly cupping her breasts into it.

"It fits you so well," I breathed.

"You think?" She said softly.

I tied it tight and she exhaled sharply. "Do you think my tits look good in it?"

"Very good, Anna."

Our faces were just inches away.

Fuck it. I leaned in to kiss her. She didn't hesitate at all.

Seconds later we were on the bed, passionately making out. The bikini top was gone and I was sucking on her nipple. My top was gone too and she was massaging my breasts.

"Will Zack come back?" I breathed.

"No chance."

"Good." I grinned at her, taking her tit back into my mouth. She moaned my name.

"Do that again." I said.


"Keep going."


I pushed her jeans down, revealing soft pink lace panties, and started rubbing her pussy through them. She was already so wet.

"I'm going to make you cum Anna, hard."

"Okay," she sighed. "Please Mira-- Zack he just..."

And oh would I make this girl cum.

I kissed down her neck, nibbling at her ear while I rubbed her pussy. She was guiding my hand into her panties, toward the warmth between her legs. I traced my way down her tight stomach, pulling at her curls with my hands, and kissed around her sex.

Suddenly her phone lit up. Zack was calling.

"Answer it." I said.


"I said answer it."

She accepted the call.

"Yeah baby what is it?" She said while I made slow circles on her clit with my tongue.

His annoying voice crackled through the speaker, "did you get the fucking plates yet? You're taking forever."

"Yeah baby we'll-" I pushed a finger into her pussy. "We'll be right down okay?" She held back a moan.

"And bring the wine too we're out." He grumbled. I started slowly fucking her with my tongue.

"Yeah baby yeah," She sighed, trying to keep her composure. He hung up the phone and I held nothing back as I pushed my fingers into her soaking cunt.

She sighed as I ate her out. I felt her soft hands on the back of my head, encouraging me to keep going. She was pulling me into her pussy, her legs clenching around my head. Anna pulled at my hair like a feral animal, her wetness dripping onto the bed.

I started fucking her with my fingers, shoving my tongue into her mouth and choking her softly with my other hand.

"I want you to cum hard for me okay?"

"I will, Mira—"

"I'll tell you when." I breathed into her ear. "Ready?"

She nodded her head yes. I plunged another finger into her cunt and she moaned. I was fucking her faster now, shoving my tit into her mouth.

"Keep sucking on it just like that." I commanded her, rubbing her clit with my thumb. "Does Zack fuck you like this?"

She shook her head no.

"Does Zack make you feel this good?"

She was squirming under me, and softly shook her head again. I took my time, plunging my fingers in and out of her. Gradually increasing the pace while she pulled at my hair and kissed me ferociously. She was getting closer I could feel it. Her breathing increased, and she was bucking her hips up to meet my fingers, desperately trying to get them deeper inside of her. I kept going while she moaned in my ear.

"Cum for me, Anna."

With that, her whole body convulsed, shaking under me. Her head dropped back onto the pillow as I rubbed her clit, her juices squirting all over my hand. Anna's eyes rolled back, giving way to violent spasms. I felt her pussy clench down on my fingers as she panted, spent.

Call me a homewrecker if you want. She broke up with Zack a week later. The rest of the pool party was boring, but next few times we fucked were anything but.

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