My sex-shy best friend[24F] asked me [25M] to cum in her mouth. Part 3 – Adorime
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My sex-shy best friend[24F] asked me [25M] to cum in her mouth. Part 3

Oct 17, 2023

cheng cuiping

Emma and I arrived in Borup in the early afternoon. It was just a twenty minute walk to our AirBnb, a walk that took us through this cozy little town. Coniferous trees line its streets, the same kind that makeup the forests surrounding the area, and the faint smell of something like pine pervades the air. Cute little brick churches can be found, here or there, and a sizeable pond rests between the town's western boundary and the surrounding landscape. It was a bit chilly, and neither Emma nor I particularly felt like exploring.

By the time we got into our rental, we were both pretty tired. When we stepped into the AirBnb, Emma almost immediately collapsed on the bed while I tested the pull-out couch. The apartment was cute and clean. Abstract-expressionist paintings were splayed over exposed-brick walls, and minimalist blues and grays made up the bedsheets and curtains. It smelled faintly of cypress trees and citrus.

"Damn, this thing's mattress is pretty short,"Ā I said upon laying down and realizing that my feet stuck off the end. I'd done a lot of couch-surfing in my day, so I had offered to take the pull-out, a decision I had now come to regret. I looked across the room at Emma, who was criss-cross on the bed. She wore jeans and a maroon sweater. "There any chance that it's too late to swap sleeping arrangements?"Ā I tried. She looked up with a frown.

"Do you have any idea how sore my back is at the end of the day?" She cupped her chest over her sweater. "You try carrying these bowling balls around 24/7," Emma continued, giving them a little shake as if to illustrate her point.

I couldn't help myself. "That doesn't sound so bad--I wouldn't mind giving them some support." You guys have been in my comments these past four days encouraging me to be a bit more forward. I am careful not to cross any lines, but I figured there was no harm in a little flirting. Especially after our night in Hamburg. What use was there in pretending I wasn't attracted to Emma?

She rolled her eyes and looked away, suddenly very interested in her phone. "Yeah, in your dreams."

I pushed on, "Is that what I was doing last night? Dreaming?"Ā I thought of the way I'd pulled her against me and ran my hands down her body, how she'd comfortably rest her head against me as I squeezed her breasts. For someone that was inexperienced, it seemed so natural, the way that our bodies came close under those neon lights.

She shot me a glare and raised an eyebrow. "Be careful,"Ā she warned, "Or you'll be sleeping outside."Ā I expected her to say something like 'that was different', 'that was just to make that guy buzz off', 'that was a one time thing', etc. But she didn't. I was going to back off, pretty sure I'd lost this fight, but she pursed her lips and said "...If you're going to complain about it all night, you might as well just take the bed with me."

"Geez, you could at least buy me a drink first, you know," Honestly, reader, I am not a smart man. I was lucky that she didn't respond to my teasing by changing her mind. Instead, she just rolled her eyes.


I decided to hop up and investigate the kitchen. It was fully equipped, with an oven, a wide variety of skillets and pots hanging from hooks on the wall, and a plentiful spice rack that I imagined the apartment's owners used themselves. "Hey, how about I cook for us tonight?"Ā I asked. Emma perked up, and so I found myself at a Danish grocery store.

"Mademoiselle,"Ā I said as I leaned down to hand Emma her bowl. She'd been sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, which was flickering now from the fruits of her labor. "Pasta a la vodka, served with a side of handsome devil for company."

She scoffed as she took the bowl. "Uh-huh, for sure."Ā We ate quietly for a while, watching the flames dance, and I occasionally tried to bring up the itinerary for Copenhagen. I wasn't sure if we'd be able to hit every item on our list. Emma mostly just nodded and shrugged along, saying very little, which is really unlike her. She's a control freak. On more than one occasion, during our semester abroad, I'd seen her bite someone's head off for changing plans last-minute. The fact that she didn't seem perturbed about a possible issue with our schedule was unusual. Something was bothering her.

"Was the stuff they said really that bad?"Ā I asked her after she'd been picking at her food for a while. Emma sighed and set her bowl down.

"It's not like I haven't been catcalled before, or had people come on to me. But, probably because they didn't think I knew German, they were just *so* explicit."Ā I remembered the way that the four had chattered on behind me while I spoke to the bouncer. It pisses me off to think that they were just blatantly talking about her that way. "They said they were sure I was a whore, that I must have been single because if you were my boyfriend you wouldn't let me 'dress that way', that fishnets 'meant I did anal', that I'd probably been ran through by every dude in America and so I'd had to come there to 'find more cock'. "

My heart hurt for her. It's not like what they said would have been okay if she had but, come on, it wasn't even like she'd dressed that slutty. I'd seen people at house shows in nothing but pasties and a thong. As a man, I can't imagine how it feels to literally just wear some fishnets and have people draw sexual conclusions about you. Emma went on, "Little did they know that I haven't even kissed anyone."Ā The words came out begrudgingly, and were followed by a half-hearted final bite of pasta.

I hadn't seen her look so disappointed about that fact before. In the past, when her virginity came up, she'd usually just said that 'she wasn't going to give it up for 'some mid man,' and that was all she'd 'really met thus far.' But now, as her green orbs flickered between crackling logs and a home-cooked meal, I sensed in her a longing.

"...Can I ask how come?"Ā I never had before. "I mean, you're really pretty and -"

"Because of motherfuckers like those four!"Ā Her fork clattered against the now-empty bowl as she tossed her hands up. "Growing up, the church taught me that men just wanted to use me for sex, and people like that don't help me get over that."Ā I nodded, letting her vent her frustration. She chopped her palm to enunciate her points. "I was taught to guard my virginity like it was the most important part of me, I was prepared for it to be constantly threatened as a test of my faith to God.Ā Christ, I can still hear my preacher talking about the hellfire and brimstone reserved for people who had sex outside of marriage." Emma shivered at the memory.

Understandable. I couldn't imagine what being raised in such an environment could do to someone. It seemed like her parent's brand of Christianity, first and foremost, was about the fear of Hell. But she had rejected that ideology as soon as she got to undergrad, I thought. "Do you even still believe in God?"

Her shoulders relaxed a bit. "Kinda. I just figure he's not interested in torturing gay and horny people for eternity."Ā She bit her lip. "But if I think too hard about doing, uh, 'stuff', I get freaked out."Ā Her face turned a little red. "And honestly, Zach, I'm embarrassed about it. I'mĀ twenty fuckin' four years oldĀ and I haven't even kissed anyone."

It was time to shoot my shot. "So then, I mean, uh, you know, it's like, uh, what if we ki-"

Emma practically jumped to close the distance between us and press her lips against mine. Time moved slow. One of her hands moved to grip my arm, the other caressing my cheek. Once I'd recovered from my shock, I kissed her back, and I found her to be a quick learner. What was at first a little awkward and off-tempo became a synchronized movement. I don't know how it was before she pulled away.

Before I could speak, Emma's face twisted back into her usual look of staunch authority. She held up a finger, seeming to feel the need to urgently say something. "For the record, just because we did that, and just because of what we've done this week does not mean you should expect anything else, tonight or tomorrow or at any time."Ā I blinked. That's what was so important for her to say?

"...Yeah, dude. Duh. Just because you're comfy with one thing doesn't mean someone's entitled to another thing."

I must have said something right, because Emma responded by kissing me again. I don't know how long we made out, but it was long enough that the sun had set by the time we stopped. Her breath was heavy when she sat back again.

"You can cross that off the list now, yeah?"Ā I said. "Gotta be worth the fifty "Hail Mary"s, huh?"

"Oh,Ā shut up,"Ā Emma got me GOOD in the ribs for that one, leaving me clutching my side and groaning as she stood up. "ā€¦That was nice. I'm taking a shower."

I cleaned the kitchen and sent some work emails. By the time I was done with those tasks, I found myself yawning. I wasĀ beat. Since Emma was still in the shower, I brushed my teeth over the kitchen sink and decided to get in bed. An early night would be good, we had a lot to do tomorrow, I figured. Much to my dismay, I did not magically fall asleep.

No, as soon as I laid my weary head to rest, my head swam with the thought of Emma and I kissing. It all happened so fast.Ā God, her lips were soft.Ā My cock stiffened, pushing against my pajamas and the bedsheet. Just as I was thinking that I might brave jerking off, I heard her blowdryer flick off, and Emma opened the bathroom door to emerge in a towel.

When she approached the bed, her eyes fell on the protrusion from the bedsheets. She scrunched up her nose, as if disgusted, and said, "Jeez, you've been thinking about what just happened thisĀ whole time, huh?"

"...Well, I mean, not nec-"

"Shut up." She suddenly came over and sat next to me. I couldn't help but notice the way her towel barely concealed her breasts, or how it rode up towards her hips. She bit her bottom lip, looking between me and the bedsheet, and ultimately gave me a look like I was stupid. "...What are you waiting for?"

I blinked. "...Nothing, I guess." I hesitated for a moment and then threw the bedsheet aside, opening my pajama pants to pull out my cock. Emma could barely look me in the eyes as I started to stroke inches away from her, her gaze drifting between my dick and abdomen. I wondered what her preacher would think about this. "You said you'd never watched porn, so is this -"

"It's the first time I've ever seen one, yeah," Emma cut me off. "It's a lot thicker than I thought one would be," she murmured, craning her neck a bit closer. "Is that normal?"

"I've been told mines a bit thicker than most," I replied as my hand glided up and down my shaft.

One of her hands found its way between her legs. She steadily grinded her hips against her fingers, her face reddening, sighs of contentment occasionally escaping her. After a few minutes, she flipped her hair over her head and said, "Well, I guess it's only fair...," and off the towel went.

Emma's body was incredible. I let out an audible moan as she revealed her ample tits, which had pink areolas and little eraser-sized nipples. She isn't chubby, but her sides revealed something to hold on to, a full figure. She stood up by the bedside and face me, continuing to rub circles in her puffy mound. She was shaved. I knew it! "You're fucking stunning, Emma." She blushed.

"Scoot over."

I did as I was told, and she sat up next to me, draping a leg over mine. Her eyes were trained on my cock, occasionally going to look me in the eyes and then trailing back down to my dick. "That's all there is to it, huh?" she asked. "Just... up and down like that?"


"...Can I try?"


Emma cautiously stopped working her clit, reaching thereafter for my cock as if it was a loaded gun. Her green eyes bored into mine as she wrapped her dainty fingers around my shaft. Raven hair flowing over her exposed tits, pussy glistening, breath heavy, I watched Emma as she gave her first handjob. She didn't do such a bad job. I gave her a few suggestions, and she adopted them eagerly, and before long, I was starting to kind of buck into her hand.

"I'm getting close."

She stopped suddenly and gripped my cock tight, looking at me with derision. "No. Not yet."


"You can cum after you get me off."

Where the hell was all of this coming from? Where was all the shyness, all that trepidation that I'd known her to exhibit when it came to sex? It was as if a switch had flipped.

"Fine." She pulled her hand away and kissed me for a moment before I whispered, "Lay down and spread your legs." As she got comfortable, I got busy kissing my way down her body. My hands found their way to her tits, eliciting little whimpers from her as I pulled on her pink little nubs and sucked gently on her neck. She squirmed in pleasure when my mouth found its way to her nipples and gave them little licks, finding my way from there to her thighs.

I teased her for a while, lightly sucking and licking her from her inner thigh aaaalmost to her lips, and then going back to her thighs or her stomach. After a minute or two of this, she grabbed my head, frustrated, and said, "Fuck, just eat it already, Zach," and shoved her pussy into my face.

I flattened my tongue against her, slowly dragging it up and then applying some light suction over her clit. That first time I licked her there, she let out a loud moan and wrapped her legs around my neck. As I slowly went up and down, her breath quickened, and she kept repeating, "Fuck, yes,Ā fuck."

I slid my finger inside of her tight walls - "Oh my god, please, yes" -Ā and worked her g-spot while I ate her out. It didn't take much of this before she practically screamed, "FUCK, fuckfuckfuck, I'm cumming so fucking hard, oh~" Her thighs shook like she'd been shocked, her walls contracted around my finger, and she damn-near pulled my hair out as Emma came against my mouth.

I kept softly kissing her pussy once she was done. When her orgasm stopped and the giggling started, I moved to lay next to her, rubbing her clit teasingly. She grabbed my cock as soon as it was with reach. "That was amazing," Emma panted. I kissed her neck while she stroked me slowly. "You deserve a treat. Wanna cum in my mouth?"

Before I could reply, Emma got on her knees next to me, moving her head down on my cock. She kissed the head and inspected it curiously. "You're such a pervert, I bet you've dreamt about this for a long time," she teased before dragging her tongue up my length.

"Shut up." I dug my fingers into her hair and pushed her down onto my cock. She let out a stifled moan and took direction, bobbing her head up and down eagerly. She worked the base of my shaft with her hand and periodically stopped to suck my tip hard, swirl her tongue around it, and then take the rest of me down her throat. Emma was aĀ natural, to the point that I even said, "What the fuck, how are you so good at this?"

She giggled and stopped sucking to reply, "I've read a lot of fanfiction," then went back to sucking on me like her life depended on it. This was her first cock, and she had been starved of this kind of thing for a very long time. I ran my hands down her back, alternating between touching any part of her within reach to gently holding her head.

I could not believe how happy she looked sucking my cock. After a few minutes, she came up for air, spitting on it and then jerking me fast with a smirk. "Come on, man, don't let me down." She kissed the head, jerking faster, "I want to know how it tastes." Emma's eyes got big, her eyebrows shifting to plead with me, and she asked in the most innocent voice I'd ever heard from her, "Will you please cum for me, Zach?"

Holy fuck.

That was all it took. I bucked into her hand and couldn't even get the words 'I'm cumming' out. Lucky for me, she realized what was going on and quickly wrapped her lips back around me, going as far down as she could muster. I shot strings of my warm seed down her throat, feeling it vibrate as she swallowed it all with eager moans. Her hand went between her legs, and she started playing with herself again while I filled her mouth with my cum.

When she'd sucked me dry, she sat up on her knees. A bead of cum dripped from her lips, dropping onto her tits while she stared me in the eyes and brought herself to completion for a second time. When she was done, she collapsed against me.

"So how many "Hail Mary"s is that, then?"

She giggled and said, "That's Catholics, idiot, I was Southern Baptist." Before long, we drifted off to sleep against one another's bare form.

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