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My sex-shy best friend[24F] told me [25M] I could jerk off around her last night. Part 1

Oct 15, 2023


cheng cuiping

I've got internet at this coffee shop right now, but gotta go to the bus station soon so sorry if this is a bit rushed.

Hello readers, my name's Zach. I'm an American grad student currently spending their Fall Break in Europe. I'm traveling with my close friend Emma, amateur makeup connoisseur by hobby and bossy (yet efficient) event coordinator by trade. She and I met a few years ago while studying abroad and, to be honest, we didn't really get along super well. Emma can be really Type A and controlling, the type of person that always has to be right… buuuuut she's one of the smartest people I know, and she almost always is right. Still, as someone that considers myself pretty laidback, this part of her drives me nuts. On the other hand, she can't stand my tendency to brush stuff off, and she always tells me I "can't always just ‘wing it' in life." Despite differences like these, one way or another, we found we had a lot in common. We have texted almost every day since the semester abroad ended.

I've always thought thought that she's gorgeous. Her eyes are the most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying that. I don't think I really knew how vivid ‘forest green' could be until I met her. Her hair flows in a black river which ends with blue streaks. She's super into makeup and has learned to apply it so seamlessly that you can't tell it's there. One simply looks at her and sees a busty little woman who might just be a tad gothic by nature. Well-manicured eyebrows and striking work with her eyeliner makes every little glance intimidating, as if a challenge. God, and her figure.

Her legs are really long. At least, proportionally, y'know, since she barely breaks five feet. I swear half of her torso is just tits, too. I'm not exaggerating when I see tits are the biggest I've ever seen outside of porn. She hides them well, layering with sweaters or fancy-looking button down coats quite often. Probably a sports bra, too, or some other black magic fuckery, cause she's so good enough at hiding them that I had absolutely no clue how big they were until she'd casually mentioned her cup size one day. She doesn't like the attention her chest draws

See, Emma was raised as a hardcore evangelical Christian, where you burn for eternity if you have sex before marriage, especially if you're a woman. She was a devout church member for 18 years… and then she left her hometown for college and realized pretty quickly that she didn't agree with how she'd been raised. She has spent the years since coming to terms with it, but it's not that easy for most people, and though she's wanted to for a while, she's never even come close to having sex.

Since we studied in Copenhagen together, she and I started off in Amsterdam on Monday, and we're now taking public transport + hiking our way up towards Denmark. We actually were originally going to do this with another friend, but they broke their leg and told us to go ahead without'em.

We got a hostel a little ways north of Amsterdam yesterday, and we were lucky enough to get a room with just two beds. Usually hostels like this have you sleepin' in rooms with lotsa beds and lotsa strangers.

Emma and I had a period of time where we explored romantic feelings for one another, but it didn't go anywhere. She liked me, she assured, but we lived across the country from each other, her parents wouldn't approve, and it was too much risk for the friendship versus the reward. Fair enough. Although it was certainly a tough pill to swallow, our friendship carried on platonically. So imagine my surprise when, last night, she invites me to cum a few feet away from her.

I'm sitting on the edge of my bed and go to pull up reddit. I didn't realize I was signed into my NSFW account, and Emma just happened to be walking by when a front page full o' titties popped up on my screen. As soon as I saw so much as a semblance of an areola, instinct kicked in, and I switched accounts with lightning speed... but by then, it was too late. I looked at her just to see her avert her eyes, hurriedly stepping out to brush her teeth and change clothes.


I sat there for alone for an agonizing few minutes in our room, certain that I'd just made my friend really uncomfortable.

She stepped back in eventually, wearing black cotton boyshorts and a low-cut black t-shirt. Her hair, which reaches down past her toned ass, was down all the way. She raised one of those well-manicured eyebrows at me as I shot to my feet. I just had to explain it to her.

"Hey, about that, I wasn't trying to watch porn, that'd be weird cause like, you know you're here and i wouldn't just like look at porn around my friends that'd be wild an…" I don't even remember exactly what I said, but I'm pretty sure it was some word vomit that amounted to that.

Emma rolled her eyes, "Whaaaatever dude," and went to put her clothes away. Was she mad, or was that just her background level of bitchiness? I could never tell the difference.

I pressed on, "No dude I'm serious, it's just that I have multiple acc-"

"Zach." She zipped her suitcase and stood up, turning to face me. "It's night time, I understand if you gotta jerk off. You can do it while I'm in here, its your room too. I knew you were a perv back when I agreed to share a room with you alone."

"No no I know its weird and I figured it'd make you uncomf-"

Wait, what?


This is the same person that could barely look me in the eyes, during a night of drinking with other friends of ours, when I asked if she even masturbated. This is the same person that told me that same night that she'd never looked at porn in her life.

"Yeah, I mean, you know. Roommates in college do that shit all the time when they think the other's asleep, and they don't usually know each other as well as we do." The way she talked was as if I was stupid for not seeing how normal it was. But to be fair, she talks to everyone like they're stupid.

I smirked. "Oh yeah? You speak from experience?" I asked teasingly, snapped out of my shock by the opportunity to embarrass her.

Her cheeks started to turn red. "Shut up," and she climbed into bed. "Just don't make it weird," she added, and then grabbed her phone as if the conversation was over.

By the time I got changed and brushed my teeth, she'd turned all the lights out except for the lamp by my bedside. She was just scrollin' thru Tiktok. Should I wait for her to go to bed? I wasn't sure. I'd be lying if I said that more than few days could go by without me fantasizing about her. I'm not much of an exhibitionist, but the idea of cumming just a few feet away from Emma, and she knows that's what happening, was really hot.

So once I swallowed my nerves, I went ahead and shut off the lamp, got my dick out under the covers, pulled Reddit back up, and got to business. I don't make tons of noise when I jerk off, but I do make a little bit. I looked over at her once or twice to see if she was watching me but, nope, and in fact she'd turned her phone off and appeared to be going to sleep.


Not asleep, I realized, once I heard her soft, pleasant little sighs coming from across the room.

I cannot believe this is happening, my motherfucking Virgin Mary-ass friend is playing with herself just a couple feet away from me, I thought. We went on like this for a little while, each of us making just enough noise to hear each other. Eventually I started to hear a telltale buzzing noise.

Once again, the desire in me to talk shit to my friend overrode everything else. While I was still gettin' after it, I said, "Surprised you even know what one of those are."

"Mm - shut the fuck up," she replied, just before I hear a click and faster buzzing.

I couldn't see anything in the darkness except for her silhouette squirming along with her toy. She'd turned on her side, and I was pretty sure she was facing me.

As she got closer, her pleasant sighs increasingly gave way to obvious moans. Another click. I heard a loud slap and froze for a moment, relaxing again only when I realized her moans suddenly sounded muffled. I'd heard the sound of her hand clapping over her mouth. Before long, a familiar warmth built up in my crotch.

I threw my head back and exploded into a tissue I had ready. Just as the spasms of pleasure began to stop, Emma shouted, "Fuck!" When I looked over, I saw her shadow as it panted, clawed, and writhed with desperation, moaning with urgency, again, again, again, and then…

She was giggling.

Her vibrator turned off.

We both sat in stillness, catching our breath. The air smelled a little like sex.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just laugh every time I cum."

That was last night, and we didn't talk about it this morning. Everything is just about the same, except that she did change in the room with me when we were getting ready to go. When I noticed, I told her I wasn't looking, to which she hesitated before saying, "I don't mind after my underwear's on." First time seeing her in her bra and good holy Jesus. Her tits. I will die happy if all that happens further is that I get to see them bare.

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