Seduced and fucked by a couple at a Halloween party [FFM]
For context, this was 3 years ago. I was 21. It's really not that important, I just felt like you should know.
So, I'm at this Halloween party. That year I went as a Vampire Vacuum Salesman, or Saleswoman, whatever. It was this thrifted brown business suit, plastic vampire teeth, and this little vacuum. But carrying the vacuum around was annoying, so I dropped it, and my dorky costume got even dorkier, because now I was just a vampire with poor fashion sense.
Costumes didn't really matter though. I was there to get drunk. And I did, surprise.
My whole time at this party, a couple had been eyeing me up. They were both very attractive, much better costumes than mine, I think a couples costume of a demon and angel, guy and girl respectively. I thought they were looking at me and making fun of my bad costume. But when I looked back once, the girl bit her lip and waved a little wave. I blushed and looked away.
I was getting tired of socializing eventually, so I retreated a bit to the back porch of the house we were in. Played Tetris on my phone and sipped from my drink. I'd abandoned the vampire teeth. Now I was just this dumb girl in a dumb suit.
And then there she was, the girl from the couple, missing her second half.
She was prettier up close. She had this big smile, introduced herself. I followed suit. She sat next to me, started some small talk. She did most of the talking. I'd reply with dumb jokes, and she'd laugh, and put her hand on my thigh.
I'd known I was bi for a while. Being around pretty girls had always made me nervous and warm inside. Every touch from her sent a little jolt through my body.
Her boyfriend came out eventually, introduced himself. We had some more small talk, and then there was a little lull in the conversation. Then she cleared her throat, and finally got to the point: they wanted to fuck me.
She put it much more elegantly than I did. She was a much better salesman than me. Called me cute a lot. As she talked, she got closer and closer. Had a hand on my thigh that slowly slid up more and more. Slowly lowered her voice in to a raspy whisper. Said she always loved a girl who could pull off a suit. I was so ready by that point. So I said yes.
They led me to a bedroom. She had me in the middle of the room, and kissed me. They asked if I was ok with the door being locked. I said ok. She told me to say "No" if it ever became too much for me. I nodded. She kissed me again.
He came up behind me, took off my jacket. She took off my tie. She had her nail under a button, asked if it was ok if they took off my shirt. I nodded. I was too flustered to say words, but trust me, I was really enjoying it.
She took off my shirt button by button. She was dirty talking the whole time. She was obviously much more of a talker than her guy. He was kissing on my neck. I really liked that.
She had the shirt unbuttoned, took it off for me. He unhooked the white lace bra I was wearing. And then there I was standing, no top. She traced over my body with her finger nail. He squeezed my boobs.
She pushed me towards the bed. Laid me down on it. She took off my shoes. Asked if she could take off my pants. I said yes, and she smiled at how clearly desperate my voice was. She unbuckled, unbuttoned. Shrugged them off. Along with my matching white lace panties. Though I guess they're not really matching anything if I wasn't wearing the bra, are they.
So there I was, laying fully nude, as they stood still all clothed. The dichotomy really turned me on. She climbed into bed with me, drawing circles around my nipple with her finger. I really liked it. I felt her man begin to rub at my pussy, which was so wet at this point. His touches were so slow and soft. I loved it so much.
She said a lot then, a lot of flavorful lovely words that I can't remember. But she asked if I was ok with her man eating me out. He had a spectacular tongue, apparently. I nodded, whispered out an incredibly desperate "yes." She smiled. And soon enough, I felt his tongue in my pussy. And god, it was incredible.
I can't find the words to describe it now, I'm not a great erotica author. But it was like he was trained just for me. He hit every spot. Some spots I'd never even thought of. He had writing pretty quick, embarrassingly quit. She kneeled next to me, looking down at me, and I felt so helpless but so safe and ugh. It's so much.